The Primal Kitchen Podcast
Host Brad Kearns talks about introducing brief, explosive, high intensity workouts into your training schedule to prompt quick and dramatic improvements in your performance at all levels of intensity, even ultra endurance. When you become competent at sprinting, you reduce perceived exertion and improve metabolic function at all lower levels of intensity. However, you gotta do this stuff right or you will fry your brain and body with ammonia toxicity and cellular destruction. The end of the show gets really sciency so you can learn why the ideal duration for sprinting is just 10-20 seconds--breakthrough concepts from Dr. Craig Marker and his landmark article titled "HIIT versus HIRT." You'll learn why prolonged interval sessions with performance attrition and cumulative fatigue are more destructive and less effective than HIRT--High Intensity Repeat Training. Brief, explosive efforts coupled with "luxurious rest intervals' (Pavel Tsatsouline of Strong Endurance). If you want to get faster very quickly, you best listen to this show and make some important revisions changes to your current training patterns. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalEndurance_ReduceStressImprovePerformance_pt2.mp3
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