The Primal Kitchen Podcast

Dairy Intolerance or Mutated Gene Intolerance? 

Blake and Stephanie were both born and raised as dairy farmers and bought their current farm in 1992. In 2002, they became certified organic farmers and began studying soil and nutrient density on their farm as well as milk proteins. A2 is the digestible casein protein found in all mammalian milk, but about one thousand years ago it mutated to the A1 form which causes lactose to ferment and potentially why we've seen a rise in dairy intolerances over the last couple of decades. Through their studies Blake and Stephanie learned the difference between A1 and A2 beta casein proteins in milk and they began to breed A1 out of their herd.

Today, they have a large herd of 100% A2/A2 genetics cows, and sell only A2 organic milk and yogurt nationwide.  Alexandre Family Farm is the first Certified Regenerative dairy and egg ranch in the U.S.  They are also certified organic and certified humane. Listen in as they share their journey with Morgan with the difficulties of raising organic calves and venturing away from antibiotic usage, their thoughts on what regenerative agriculture means to them and how they want to bring people back to dairy. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_AlexandreFarms.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Biohacking For Personalized Healthcare 

This week, Morgan chats with author and entrepreneur, Joe Cohen. Joe suffered from a variety of health issues going up: inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety–to name a few. His symptoms and experiences were not well understood by conventional and even alternative medicine, and after years of suffering, that he embarked on a self-experimentation journey to improve his health through biohacking.  Joe went on to found SelfDecode, a biotech software platform for DNA and lab-based health recommendations established by your own genes so that you can take charge of your own healthcare with data-driven health decisions. SelfDecode is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing personalized health recommendations based on a combination of your DNA, labs, and environmental factors. 

In this chat, Cohen describes to Morgan his thoughts on how the world needs more personalized healthcare, his biohacking system for his food sensitivities and his journey from New York to Israel. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_JoeCohen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19am PST

Is Anxiety More Prevalent in Males? 

This week, Morgan chats with Mental Health Advocate and Anxiety Expert, Mark Metry on the topic of social anxiety. Mark is a Forbes featured TEDX speaker, a global top 10 podcast host of the Social Anxiety Society and a best selling author of Screw Being Shy, but there was once a time where he couldn't even make eye contact with people due to suffering from immense social anxiety. 

In this enlightening talk, Mark goes in depth about growing up in the inner city as a first generation immigrant and how racial bullying in school affected his self esteem and began making him closed off to the world. After spending years being overweight and depressed, he went on a self healing journey with the help of psychotherapy, gratitude, healthy habits and developing hobbies such as writing and podcasting. Morgan and Mark discuss the how social anxiety affects your mind and body in cognitive distortions and how it hijacks your entire nervous system, but how diet and lifestyle changes can set the foundation for long term results in a positive direction. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_MarkMetry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

What is the real pursuit of happiness? 

This week, Morgan has an enlightening discussion with Josh Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus, otherwise known as The Minimalists. Josh and Ryan climbed up the corporate ladder in their 20's to obtain the standard American dream of a consumer-driven life with luxury cars, big houses full of pricey material things. After being rocked by a series of life-altering events, Josh went on the journey to find a more meaningful life getting his childhood best friend Ryan involved along the way. Since starting their journey, The Minimalists have had two successful documentaries on Netflix, Minimalism and Less is Now, and have written four books, their most recent being Love People Use Things.

In this chat, they go in depth about what the pursuit of happiness means and how to be fulfilled without material things. They believe that all things they own should serve a purpose and provide advice on how to maintain this lifestyle. Milburn and Nicodemus go in depth on how minimalism goes beyond the scope of material things, but how it can help improve other areas of our lives by removing all types of life clutter such as calendar clutter, relationship clutter, and advertisement clutter.

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodast_TheMinimalists.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan is joined by Viral TikTok Homestead sensation and founder of Red Leaf Ranch, Brian Brigantti. While pursuing a career in photography in New York City, Brian ended up falling in love with the simplicity of being immersed in the country side of Tennessee while on a spontaneous trip in 2019. Instead of starting small. Brian decided to make the move and go full force into learning everything he could about permaculture and growing his own food with his partner. 

Brian goes in depth about the transition from city life to the countryside and having to battle the urge to always be on the move in a slow paced environment. 

Listen in as Morgan and Brian share garden stories -  successes and failures - and how he his tips and tricks are inspiring millions across the TikTok platform. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_BrianBrigantti_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:50am PST

This week, Morgan chats with unfiltered one-of-a-kind Peloton Instructor Cody Rigsby. Cody has taken the fitness community by storm since first appearing on Peloton 8 years ago.

As a Peloton Instructor, Rigsby reminds everyone in his classes to push themselves, but have a good time doing it, because we all need to have a little more fun. He believes that life should be experienced authentically, and this is fully represented throughout his rides. His Peloton #BooCrew has over 120,000 devoted members pedaling to his every word. A #BooCrew favorite, Rigsby also hosts unique “XOXO” classes, in which Peloton riders submit questions about life, relationships, pop culture, etc. for Rigsby to advise on and share his candid opinions during his live rides. 

Rigsby goes in depth with Morgan about moving to North Carolina as a child and how his passion for dancing ignited after taking a ballet class, moving to NYC, experiencing homelessness, and overcoming obstacles. He discusses his new relationship with food and body image and how he focuses on ways to move his body that mimics childhood, embracing the inner Primal "play" based behavior that our audience knows so well. He spills on his favorite Primal Kitchen Products, Dancing with The Stars, and detoxing from social media. Listen in to hear all the shared laughter and the "tea!" 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_CodyRigsby.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Morgan is joined by Purely Elizabeth founder and namesake Elizabeth Stein in this week's episode. Stein started her career in fashion marketing before becoming an entrepreneur. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition which changed her life and perspective on food...and introduced her to the concept of a gluten-free diet.

She strived to create gluten and grain-free products that were not only better-tasting but also featured better ingredients. What started as a homemade blueberry muffin start-up grew to a nationwide grain-free granola craze and the beginning of Purely Elizabeth. Stein's company now features a line of "naturally gluten-free granola, oatmeal, and baking mixes in multigrain and grain-free varieties to make eating well effortless."

Join Morgan and Stein as they talk about grains' impact on gut health as well as wine, sleep, and diets. Plus, you'll learn Stein's daily ritual for health, wellness, and blood sugar regulation. 

Take a taste and use code PRIMALKITCHEN for 20% off all products on! 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_ElizabethStein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Join Morgan this week as she chats with her guest and close friend, professional surfer and motivational speaker Bethany Hamilton. They swap surf stories and Hamilton shares how she kept her passion for being in the water alive even after suffering a tragic shark attack, and how the incident changed her relationship with fear. She talks about finding her purpose in motivating others and spending time with her 3 beloved sons. 

Hamilton gets candid about her current nutrition routine and her personal health journey since her teenage years, including a pro-metabolic diet approach and her go-to meals. 

Find out more from Bethany and her mentorship courses at 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_BethanyHamilton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, guest Kelly LeVeque and Morgan dish on her celebrity clientele, how to make "blood sugar sexy" and her Fab4 courses. In this deep-dive conversation, LeVeque explores the links between blood sugar regulation, cancer prevention, and weight loss. She discusses the role fiber plays in her Fab4Under4 course as well as pediatric nutrition and pregnancy glucose tests. Listen in to hear more about Leveque's philosophy and her Fab4 method. 


Check out Kelly's Fab4 courses here

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_KellyLeveque.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm PST

This week, Morgan discusses childhood neurodevelopment conditions, autoimmune conditions, and the journey through motherhood from preconception all the way until early toddlerhood with Perinatal and Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor & mama herself, Dr. Ari Calhoun. Inspired by her own personal journey with mental illness & health issues, it led her down the rode to take a deeper dive on childhood neurodevelopment and women's care using a holistic approach. Dr. Calhoun has spent an extensive amount of time studying childhood disorders such as ADHD, autism, autoimmune conditions, and anxiety/depression & helps parents use an integrative approach to manage symptoms and impower them to understand risk factors while not fearing everything and everything. Listen in as they go through everything from reducing your toxin exposure while pregnant, essential nutrients during pregnancy, and important baby first foods to try! 

For more resources from Dr. Ari, check out her blog:

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_AriCalhoun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am PST

This week, Morgan meets with the "Child Whisperer," Dr. Siggie Cohen. Growing up in Israel, Cohen's love of children and animals led her to be a natural caretaker from an early age. Her sensitivity to and awareness of complex emotions led her to study child development in the United States. Cohen now boasts over 30 years of experience as a counselor, helping countless grateful parents feel "more empowered and less guilty."  Cohen deals with children of all ages, struggling with any number of issues, from sibling rivalry to setting boundaries, to struggling with the pressures of school. In this in-depth conversation, Dr Siggie talks on a myriad of tricky parenting subjects, from emotional regulation to parent dynamics, to problem-solving. No matter what the issue, Dr Siggie is here to help parents and children alike find solutions. 


Use code 0DIPAJT on for 10% off of her Toddler courses! 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_DrSiggie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Join Morgan this week as she sits down to talk regenerative farming with Robby Sansom & Taylor Collins, the founders of Roam Ranch and Force of Nature. Collins and Sansom met in middle school and reunited as adults to start their first entrepreneurial venture with Epic Provisions. After selling Epic in 2019, the pair dove into regenerative farming, developing Roam Ranch and Force of Nature. 

Collins and Sansom discuss the important role biodiversity plays in an agricultural setting and the power of working with wildlife instead of against it. They discuss how the soil impacts their products, how meat quality can change with regenerative farming versus conventional farming, and the importance of reintroducing bison to its natural habitat in the Americas and their impact on biodiversity.

In this in-depth discussion, these three entrepreneurs talk about how they see the industry evolving, reconnecting to the legacy of ancestors, and the co-evolution with land and nature. 

Use Code PRIMALKITCHEN on for $15 off your first order!

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_ForceofNature.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

In this episode, Morgan sits down with game-changing entrepreneur, Beekeeper's Naturals founder Carly Stein. Plagued by tonsillitis growing up, Carly found sanity & healing through an unlikely hero: bee nutraceuticals. She speaks in-depth on how a trip to Europe changed her entire perspective on health, how she found healing for herself and found Beekeeper's Naturals in the process. Carly is also a beekeeper and a tireless advocate for the preservation of the waning global bee population. Listen in as Morgan gets the full scoop on how Carly won over moms at Farmer's Markets to getting on Forbes 30 Under 30 list.

Use code PRIMALKITCHEN on for 25% off all products! 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_CarlyStein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan sits down with Paul Greive, a former marine-turned-farmer and the founder of Pasturebird. Pasturebird uses regenerative farming to build a pasture-raised poultry farm.  Greive talks about his past life in the military and a battle with Lyme disease that resulted in him adopting the paleo lifestyle and becoming a farmer.

Greive took a deep dive into learning about regenerative farming, learning about responsible animal agriculture and its lasting effects on soil, and developed his system to raise true, pasture-raised hens on grass living off fresh grass with access to the sun. He learned the staggering difference in nutrient density for regenerative farming compared to conventional. 

Greive discusses his humble beginnings as a start-up farm struggling with distribution, and how Primal Kitchen founder Mark Sisson gave his brand the boost it needed in his early days. Listen in as he spills on his favorite PK product (Buffalo!) and the future of farming. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_PaulGrieve.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

On this week's episode, Moran sits down with Dr. William Li, an internal medicine doctor, vascular biologist, and author of the book "Eat to Beat Disease." Dr Li always had an interest in food and diet lifestyles since he was young, and he studied the links between food, culture and the health of communities around the world for years. Dr Li looked to blood vessels to find common denominators within different diseases and has been involved in 41 FDA-approved medications for disease treatment from his studies.

The medical director for the Angiogenesis Foundation, Dr Li explains the way our body grows blood vessels, a central tenant to health. His research has shown that certain foods help our body overgrow blood vessels that could potentially cause diseases like cancer. Dr Li applies the "Food as Medicine Research" method to his work, talking  about foods that activate our health defenses, and what to add to our body to build ourselves up. His personal mantra is to "love your food & love your health."

In this in-depth conversation, Dr Li discusses fasting & its relation to his research, his "grand slam" foods, what helps treat disease along with prevention, and the power of fiber. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_DrWilliamLi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan chats with former Olympian Amy Van Dyken Rouen, the history-making athlete who was the first American to win 4 gold medals in a single Olympic games. After a devastating accident, Rouen was paralyzed from the waist down. Determined to maintain her athleticism, Rouen eventually earned the title of the fittest sitting woman in the world. In this conversation, Morgan and Rouen chat about Olympic competition, overcoming tremendous adversity, mental health, paleo & keto eating, CrossFit & more! 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_AmyVanDykenRouen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Morgan sits down this week with one of the "Fittest Men on Earth" and renowned fitness coach, James Fitzgerald.  His fitness journey began while playing competitive soccer as a teenager. During his collegiate years, James spent a great deal of time training, studying, and researching fitness. His investigations led to the publishing of multiple studies in Physiology Canada and The Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology.

James applied his knowledge to coaching general population clients and competitive athletes, built a thriving coaching business, and launched Optimum Performance Training (OPT) in 1999. Looking to spread his knowledge and methodologies, James began coaching athletes remotely and spearheading the individual design programming movement. Through the personal application of his own program, he earned the title of "The Fittest Man on Earth", winning the inaugural CrossFit games in 2007. 

In this conversation, Morgan and James talk about the overwhelming amount of fitness options out there, the increasingly sedentary state of the world, the importance of movement and fitness simplicity, and much more. 
Feeling inspired? Use code LEARN50 for 50% OFF your first month on James' BRAND NEW fitness coaching education app, LearnRx (
Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_JamesFitzgerald.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am PST

This week, Morgan sits down with Primal Kitchen co-founder, endurance athlete, best-selling author and ancestral eating "godfather" Mark Sisson to talk all things testosterone. Mark dives into testosterone's important role as a hormone in bodies of all genders. They chat about the impact diet, stress, and movement can have on production and the power of hormone receptor sites. Mark gets candid about supplementing testosterone, plus ways to support this hormone naturally. Listen in to learn more!
Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_MarkSissonTestosterone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan connects with Primally Pure founder Bethany McDaniel to talk about the link between real food eating and natural skincare. McDaniel used all sorts of harsh prescription creams and pills to treat her acne as a teenager and young adult–and dealt with red, raw, irritated skin as a result. She was blown away by the effects she eventually experienced after ditching the harsh chemicals and replacing them with simple, natural ingredients and began a Paleo diet. 

McDaniel talks about her passion for living a healthy lifestyle and how her husband's start of a Pasturebird, a pasture-raised poultry company, ignited her passion for making natural beauty products. She talks about the science behind her natural products, and the treatments visitors at to the spa at the Primally Pure headquarters can find, like lymphatic damage, facial massage & holistic healing.
Join Morgan and McDaniel in their talk on beauty, botox, natural anti-aging, and much more, then use code PRIMALKITCHEN for 10% off at!

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_BethanyMcDaniel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week Morgan chats with sex and anti-aging expert Dr. Amy Killen. A former emergency medicine physician, Dr. Killen's practice has pioneered one of the most innovative regenerative procedures currently available: the Full Body Stem Cell Makeover. Dr. Killen's programs focus on looking good and feeling good through anti-aging health and sexual optimization for folks of all genders.

Listen in as they chat through all things sex, orgasms, erectile dysfunction, libido, sunscreen, & her new peptide supplement called Rapid Rebound.  

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_DrAmyKillen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

TW: Disordered Eating

This week, Morgan sits down with entrepreneur and former model Danika Brysha. During their discussion, Brysha speaks candidly about her struggles with body image and her journey into the modeling industry. Trying the Whole30 Diet opened Brysha's eyes to the power of food physically and mentally, and inspired her to start her own meal delivery company, ModelMeals. Brysha speaks openly about the financial stresses that come with successful entrepreneurship.
In this enlightening conversation, Morgan and Danika Brysha talk about everything: from the impact of mainstream media on body image to mindfulness and meditation to the link between personal growth and organic gardening, to self-care and self-worth. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_DanikaBrysha.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Join Morgan as she meets with Olipop founders Ben and David, to discuss their partnership and venture into beverage entrepreneurship. They talk how their own health woes lead to learning about the gut microbiome and eventually disrupting the soda industry with Olipop. Their ground-breaking soda is high in prebiotic fiber low in sugar, natural botanicals (and Paleo, gluten-free, vegan & Non-GMO Project Verified, and contains 2g of sugar per can to boot!) With a team of international scientists, they developed their popular formula, and they discuss their upcoming clinical trials to study the effect of prebiotics & botanicals on the gut.

Plus, Primal Blueprint fans, rejoice: Morgan, Ben, and David talk about the indigenous hunter-gatherer's diet and the crucial elements that are missing in the standard American diet.

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_Olipop.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan talks with Harvard Ph.D. turned food blogger & renowned spice queen Kanchan Koya. Growing up in India, her grandmother's ancient spice remedies seemed impossible, so she decided to study science and get to the bottom of health...only to return to her roots, touting the benefits of spices! After discovering that science could back up the medicinal properties of her favorite family spices, Koya dedicated her life to educating others on social media with simple, delicious recipes that incorporated these healing ingredients. Listen in as Morgan & Kanchan talk about infancy pallet development, spice benefits, blood sugar, social media & food fasting.

Follow Kanchan on Instagram, @chiefspicemama, & check out her own Podcast, Radical Vitality

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_KanchanKoya.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan chats with Board Certified Holistic Health Coach Katie Bressack who specializes in women's hormone health. Bressack discusses her own personal health journey managing and improving her menstrual cycle to her twin pregnancy experience. Bressack goes in-depth on women's health throughout all stages of life from pregnancy, postpartum to menopause. She shares her insight on regular menstrual maintenance and how it relates to blood sugar, stress, and other factors. Listen in to learn more about her take on the link between digestion and hormone health in this enlightening talk! 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_KatieBressack.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan chats with TMAC Fitness Founder, Todd McCullough. Coming from a small town, Todd lived a very athletic life before ever being exposed to Yoga and Meditation. It wasn't until a string of injuries, cooperate burnout, and an unexpected yoga pants detour that inspired him to find fulfillment in different areas to get him in touch with his mind and body. Today, Todd dedicates his life to combining his unique habit-stacking fitness approach of HIIT and Meditation for his clients. Listen in as Morgan hears all the details of his journey and current daily rituals! Todd has helped over 30,000 people turn their physical and mental health around and you can sign up HERE to get 10 Free Days of Home Workouts. 

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_ToddMcCullough.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

This week, Morgan chats with Blaze Pizza CMO Vince Szwajkowski. They discuss all things Blaze, from their mission to make pizza diet-inclusive, to sourcing real ingredients for their menu, to using a woman-owned gluten-free flour crust company, to even their sell-out keto crusts! Plus, Vince and Morgan get into Vince's decision to go gluten and dairy-free, as well as his career journey at Blaze. 

Starting on January 5th (National Keto Day) and extending through January 16th, Primal Kitchen Ranch Dressing will be available as a finishing drizzle at select Blaze Pizza locations nationwide. We hope you enjoy their story and enjoy a pizza with Primal Kitchen Ranch this month! Check out this link to find exact locations:

Direct download: PrimalKitchenPodcast_VinceBlazePizza.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST