The Primal Kitchen Podcast

Longtime readers of the blog are so inundated with the latest dietary research and results from years of personal experimentation that they often take the simple, basic dietary truths for granted. But it’s the simple ones that make the most difference. Today I’m going to sift through the knowledge base to winnow out the dietary truths that, while basic, fundamental, and important, are unknown or misinterpreted in the “normal population.” If you think someone you know or care about could learn from this list, send it along.

What follows are some basic dietary truths that everyone needs to understand.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep272018-8DietaryTruthsWeWishWeCouldTellNonPrimalTypes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

It has many names and monikers.

Male menopause.


Age-related testosterone deficiency.


Manopause, my personal favorite.

Although it isn’t as sharply defined as female menopause, male menopause is a catch-all for the gradual cascade of mental and physical health issues that men face as they approach and pass middle age and their testosterone drops. Wherever possible, I will insert “man” puns into the symptoms and conditions. Consider yourself warned.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep262018-MaleMenopause.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with John Assaraf - one of the leading mindset and behavioral experts in the world! He has appeared numerous times on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. John has also built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books and has been featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit The Secret.

Today, he is founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals and corporations unlock and ignite their fullest potential.  Go to and register for John's FREE online Brain-A-Thon event, featuring a variety of brain and success experts to help you develop a roadmap for shifting your mind and your life.



Youtube Video:

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JohnAssaraf.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am PST

As the research continues to pile up against artificial sweeteners, it’s a race to take the lion’s share of the growing alternative sweetener market. While natural sweeteners like stevia and erythritol have become more popular in recent years, it’s still a wide field. One lesser known option is yacon syrup—a natural sweetener with a low calorie count and prebiotic abilities.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep202018-YaconSyrup.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Angela Bicos Mavridis - a Holistic Nutritionist and the CEO and founder of TRIBALI Foods. As a kid in her grandmother’s kitchen, she discovered the nurturing power of real foods. Today, she seeks and sources 100% organic high-quality proteins for TRIBALÍ Foods — from grass fed and grass finished beef to free-range chicken, pasture-raised pork, and wild-caught seafood — to create flavorful, versatile, and nutrient-dense centerpieces for wholesome, satisfying meals. Angela won the NOSH Live Pitch Slam 2017 on behalf of TRIBALÍ Foods and continuously strives to explore ways to "Make people healthier one meal at a time."
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_AngelaMavridis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Metabolic flexibility is the capacity to match fuel oxidation to fuel availability—or switch between burning carbs and burning fat. Someone with great metabolic flexibility can burn carbs when they eat them. They can burn fat when they eat it (or when they don’t eat at all). They can switch between carbohydrate metabolism and fat metabolism with relative ease. All those people who can “eat whatever they want” most likely have excellent metabolic flexibility. So, why does it really matter, and how does it happen? Let’s get into the weeds today.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep122018-TheDefinitiveGuideToMetabolicFlexibility.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Most longtime readers of this blog could probably rattle off a dozen daily habits based on the inviolable Primal Laws. That’s not exciting, though.

Let’s consider the basics just that: basics you should already have a handle on. These are practices that you’ve already integrated—eat whole foods, avoid unnecessary carbs, stop fearing fat and animal protein, lift heavy things, and such—and don’t require any more cajoling or prodding. It’s more helpful to develop some daily habits that you probably hadn’t considered.

What are some daily habits for better Primal health?

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep112018-12DailyHabitsForPrimalHealthe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Sean Wittenberg - the Cofounder and President of Safe Catch based in Sausalito, CA.  With a deeply held belief that the health of our environment, our food and our society are all profoundly connected, Sean has spent the past 15 years focused on developing technologies and products that help people live healthier, happier lives while improving the wellbeing of our planet.  In this episode, Sean educates the audience on the safety and environmental concerns surrounding fishing and consuming fish.



Safe Catch

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_SeanWittenberg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

A Primal woman’s first reaction to the prospect of taking synthetic hormone replacements for menopause? Probably a healthy dose of skepticism. We in the ancestral health community, after all, tend to view pharmaceuticals as a last resort—interventions that are overprescribed by vested interests, create their own set of side effects, and may even do more harm than good. To suggest that we “need” this or that prescription raises our hackles.

Besides, it’s not like menopause is a product of modernity or an aberration our ancestors never experienced; it’s a physiological stage that evolution has protected and selected in humans. It’s perfectly natural. Rather than the debilitating, miserable experience many women report having, menopause should be easier. Graceful, even. But it often isn’t.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Sep052018-TheProsAndConsOfHormoneReplacementTherapy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Ken Berry MD about the epidemic of Diabetes and how a patient can navigate test results, treatment, prevention, and reversing the disease. Dr. Berry is also the author Lies My Doctor Told Me which reveals the truth behind the lies told by well-meaning doctors. Whether it’s recommending a low-fat diet, or warning you to avoid the sun, these medical lies can cause really harm to your health. This book will help you sort through the medical myths and the outright lies, and begin to develop a health partnership with your doctor.

Dr. Berry has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade.  He is board certified in Family Medicine, and was recently awarded the degree of Fellow by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Having seen over 20,000 patients of all ages over his career, he is uniquely qualified to advise on both acute and chronic diseases. Dr. Berry has focused of chronic disease caused by the Standard American Diet and Lifestyle, and has made it his mission to turn the tide on the epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes, chronic inflammation and dementia.

Selected Links: 

Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr. Ken Berry – Facebook

Dr. Ken Berry – Twitter
Dr. Ken Berry – Instagram
Dr. Ken Berry – YouTube


Video Podcast:

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_KenBerry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am PST