The Primal Kitchen Podcast

A few months back, I put together an article on alternative therapies for depression. Many readers  showed a lot of interest in some of the emerging non-drug treatments in that field, and, more importantly, many began to relay their own stories about how they overcame or successfully managed their depression through various strategies. That’s what I love the most about this community—sharing experience and expertise in the interest of broadening available solutions beyond what conventional thought tells us.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec272017-10AlternativeTherapiesForADD26ADHD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about the contrast between liver function in a carb dependency state (hint: overwhelmed in processing excess glucose into fat and eventually becoming insulin resistant) versus a fat- and keto-adapted liver function (elegant regulation and dispensation of the exact amount of energy you need in your bloodstream any time. Enjoy a great excerpt from the Keto Reset Diet called “Keto vs Carbo…Whoa!”

The amazing liver is the control tower for energy processing and distribution throughout your entire body. It’s amazing to reflect on the liver’s exquisite regulation of blood glucose within an incredibly tight range at all times. Our optimal circulating glucose level is only around five grams (a teaspoon) within a total blood volume of around 1.5 gallons (5.5 liters) of blood. In the typical modern human carbohydrate dependency eating pattern, your liver will fight valiantly under adverse circumstances to keep you energy balanced until finally it succumbs to insulin resistance and you end up with type II diabetes. In a fat- and keto-adapted eating pattern, you allow your liver to really shine; energy to brain and body is readily available, and no wasted energy or inflammation from excess caloric intake and hormonal imbalances.

Direct download: Ep5_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_TheLiverShow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Host Elle Russ chats with hilarious and fun-spirited podcasters Jason Leapai and Jason Sikorski. The Jasons host The Savage Podcast, where they chat with guests about topics ranging from MMA, sex, and even mind control.  Both avid outdoorsmen and lifelong martial artists - both of their lives were transformed for the better after adopting a paleo/primal lifestyle. With an advanced understanding of primal living, they explain and discuss key nuances of living a primal lifestyle.

Direct download: Ep_205_PrimalBlueprint_LeapaiandSikorski.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST

Each year is fuller than the last. More and more scientific papers are published each year, and that trend is only quickening. The same trend goes for books, products, businesses. Humans are incredible producers. It’s what we do—create and consume.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec202017-TheBestOf2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about one of his recent favorite subjects, exploring the long scientifically validated benefits of fasting. We know that your body works more efficiently and burns fuel more cleanly (less production of free radicals than when you are glucose burner) when in a fasted state, but that long-term extreme calorie restriction is not a viable option in daily life. By eating in a ketogenic pattern, you can enjoy fasting-like benefits while enjoying nutrient-dense, high satiety, high fat meals. You can also improve your metabolic fitness through keto such that you can fast more frequently, for longer periods, while enjoying peak cognitive and physical function and not suffering from hunger.

Fasting and ketogenic eating helps upregulate fat metabolism and free you from carbohydrate dependency that is endemic to the modern diet. Fasting also stimulates autophagy, the natural cellular detoxification process that promotes longevity and disease protection, and apoptosis, the programmed death of dysfunctional cells that can nip cancer in the bud before it spreads. Athletes who develop excellent metabolic fitness can combine strenuous workouts to accelerate progress and “violently rewire appetite hormones” away from carb dependency. A great way to get started with fasting is to become fat-adapted through primal/paleo/ancestral style eating, then wait until you experience true sensations of hunger before consuming your first calories in the morning. Brad discusses his 140-day experiment with nutritional ketosis and how he landed on a long-term routine of a morning fast until midday as a foundational lifestyle pattern.

Direct download: Ep4_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_AllAboutFasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns catches up with the legendary Dave Scott, a 6-time Hawaii Ironman world champion and respected coach of both elite professional and amateur multisport enthusiasts. Dave is perhaps more steeped in the science of nutrition and exercise physiology than any other endurance athlete ever, so this show will give you insights on both cutting edge science and also the competitive mindset of a champion athlete. Brad gives you a brief intro in case you’ve never heard of Dave, then they jump right into it. Dave describes his transition from a high carb pioneer back in the 80’s to his current support of primal/paleo/ketogenic eating patterns. He describes the science behind keto, and how it can protect your health and your heart from potential damage caused by strenuous training. On the long-standing topic of “intensity vs. volume” Dave sets people straight by detailing the huge mistake of going “kinda hard” on a regular basis. Not only will your burn out in performance, you are putting your health at serious risk. Instead, Dave details his unique methods of introducing an assortment of distinct interval patterns that help to cleanse the cardiovascular system, protecting it from damage caused by excessive kinda hard endurance workouts. Yes, Dave even advocates strength training year-round for endurance athletes! Dave talks about the problem of excess body fat on hard training endurance athletes and how to right this unfortunate trend. In the age of the internet and social media frenzy, lots of athletes and coaches are full of themselves. Dave is full or experience and wisdom so give this show your undivided attention!

Direct download: Ep_203_PrimalBlueprint_DaveScott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST

I’ve been spreading the word about the primal lifestyle for over a decade now, and while the information on this blog and in my books has reached millions, I wonder how many of these millions have actually been able to live some version of a primal life consistently and confidently. My guess is, not as many as I’d like.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec142017-TheFutureOfHealthCareIsHealthCoaching.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

No matter what kind of evidence comes out to the contrary, the anti-saturated fat sect won’t relinquish its dogma. Whenever its advance is rebuffed—perhaps by an observational study showing the lack of relations between saturated fat intake and heart disease, or a study showing the beneficial effects of saturated fat on multiple health markers—they regroup and try another route. The latest is a study that several readers sent to me, worried that the attack had finally made it through the defenses. In it, researchers purport to show that saturated fat increases the solidity and rigidity of cellular membranes, reducing membrane fluidity and eventually leading to cell death.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec132017-WillSaturatedFatKillYourCells.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about his first failed attempt at keto (lasted 3 weeks doing really great, then a bomb-out at the Burbank Airport snack shop!), and how you can ensure that you are well-prepared for keto before struggling, suffering and backsliding. If you’re nervous about your metabolic fitness and whether you can handle the rigor of a ketogenic eating period, realize that any effort you make in the direction of fat- and keto-adaptation will improve your metabolic fitness and progress you closer to your goal of being a fat burning beast and further away from the disastrous state of carbohydrate dependency that the civilized world lives in.

Learning from your mistakes and detours, you will have heightened awareness of your behavior patterns. Then, you can build more natural, healthy resolve to stay keto-aligned in the future. Absorb the lessons offered, accept that you’re not perfect, let it go, and brandish your weapon once again by engaging in an intermittent fast, a fasted workout, and a sustained pattern of high fat, moderate protein, low-carb succession meals.

Direct download: Ep3_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_AreYouReadyForKeto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15am PST

Elle Russ chats with Anthony G. Jay, Ph.D. about his new book Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You, Fat, Sick, and Infertile. It was in college where Anthony began researching inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and after college, Dr. Jay began working in an Alzheimer’s disease lab in Boston for the U.S. Veteran’s Affairs. Ultimately earning his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, he began researching different types of fats and cholesterol. Today, Dr. Jay continues to lead the AJ Consulting Company, which he founded in 2010, where he predominantly analyzes DNA for high performing individuals. Dr. Jay has other upcoming books as part of this book series called “Chagrin & Tonic” and a YouTube channel under that name, all focused on simplifying important scientific ideas.

Direct download: Ep_201_PrimalBlueprint_AJConsulting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about the methodical process outlined in The Keto Reset Diet and the Keto Reset multimedia online course, where you progress steadily away from carbohydrate dependency and toward fat- and keto-adaptation without the struggling, suffering, and backsliding that typically occurs when you fail to do your homework or follow an ill-conceived approach. This overview shows covers the 21-Day Metabolism Reset, where you ditch grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils in favor of primal-approved foods, integrate the lifestyle elements of exercise (move more frequently, avoid chronic patterns), sleep (avoid excess artificial light and digital stimulation after dark), and stress management

Direct download: Ep2_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_ComprehensiveApproachToTheKetoResetDiet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm PST

If you look at the latest stats, you might assume there’s no cognitive health crisis. The overall number of dementia cases are going up, but that’s because the aging population is growing. Older folks are living longer than ever before, so there are more people around who can develop dementia. Dementia and Alzheimer’s rates are dropping in the Western world. Politicians, those archetypical paragons of cognitive aptitude, are hanging around in office longer than ever. Technology, science, and other fields that require large amounts of cognitive ability are progressing.

But broad trends and large numbers are just statistics. However reassuring they are to public policy analysts, they mean nothing to the individual suffering from cognitive decline. They’re too abstract. Your grandpa no longer knowing who you are? That’s real. You, personally, don’t want to lose your cognitive abilities as you age. You, personally, don’t want to see the people you love get Alzheimer’s. Individual cases matter to those individuals and their loved ones. And it’s still happening more than it should.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Nov292017-WhyArentWeTalkingAboutTheCognitiveHealthCrisis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Ken Berry, MD, about his new book Lies My Doctor Told Me. Have your doctors lied to you? Chances are they have, and most likely unknowingly. If you've been misled by bad medical advice your health will suffer. It is time you discover the truth. Medical research is expanding so quickly that only the most dedicated doctors can keep up with it all. Is your doctor that dedicated? Lies My Doctor Told Me reveals the truth behind the lies told by well-meaning doctors. Whether it's recommending a low-fat diet, or warning you to avoid the sun, these medical lies can cause really harm to your health. Does your doctor still recommend that you avoid cholesterol and eat lots of whole-grains? What about a paleo diet or ketogenic diet, have they been mentioned in an office visit? So much of the nutrition and lifestyle advice doctors give is just plain wrong, and that can be dangerous. This book will help you sort through the medical myths and the outright lies, and begin to develop a health partnership with your doctor.

Dr. Berry has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade. He is board certified in Family Medicine, and was recently awarded the degree of Fellow by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Having seen over 20,000 patients of all ages over his career, he is uniquely qualified to advise on both acute and chronic diseases. Dr. Berry has focused of chronic disease caused by the Standard American Diet and Lifestyle, and has made it his mission to turn the tide on the epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes, chronic inflammation and dementia.

Direct download: Ep198_PrimalBlueprint_KenBerryMD_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST