The Primal Kitchen Podcast

Elle Russ chats with Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP  -  an integrative nutritionist, hormone expert, and best-selling author of WomanCode (Harper Collins) who teaches women how to use their hormonal and neurochemical patterns to create extraordinary lives. She is the founder of, a trusted virtual destination for women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to learn how to naturally balance their hormone and reproductive issues with her proprietary, “pro-hormonal,” five-step dietary process that treats the root cause of endocrine dysfunction. She teaches women via her online program “The WomanCode System” and writes a blog on how to use food to get out of hormonal chaos and get back into hormonal “flo” which is read by thousands of women in 216 countries.

A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Alisa has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, has a web series on Lifetime, and is a regular contributor to Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and The Huffington Post. She also pens Yahoo Health’s “Hormone Whisperer” column and serves on their Advisory Board. She also serves on the advisory boards of several health tech startups. She speaks to large groups about the intersection of hormones, neurochemistry, feminine energy, entrepreneurship, and success at TEDx, Talks@Google, Summit Series Outside, Hay House, WIE Symposium, and SHE Summit.

ALISA's Website

Connect with Show Host Elle Russ

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Elle Russ chat with Tara Youngblood - the co-founder and chief science officer at Kryo Inc. - the makers of chiliPAD technology sleep pads. Tara has spent over 10,000 hours studying the science of sleep and her passion is too shape the future of sleep-driven health by making sleep easy and drug-free. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns catches up with New York Chiropractor and Functional Physician Dr. Robert Silverman, author of the upcoming book, "The Superhighway To Health." Dr Robert is the stat king, firing off a number of interesting and memorable stats about Covid-19 immune response and risk factors, ketogenic eating patterns, and the inner-workings of the gut microbiome and the gut-brain connection. Covid-19 symptoms take 5 days to appear, 35% of people have no symptoms, one type of antibody kicks in around day 7, another around day 14. You excrete the virus in stool after 28 days. Diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity are major co-morbidity factors, and the vast majority of Covid-19 victims present with co-morbidity factors. 
Covid-19 has exposed America as an unhealthy nation, with 75% of citizens classified as overweight or obese and only 12% considered entirely metabolically healthy. Eighty percent of our immune response is in the gut, 93 percent of serotonin is made in the gut. Sugar is the big enemy here, as it inflames the delicate gut lining and promotes leaky gut syndrome. The strong connection between gut and brain (the Vagas nerve connects the two so they are in constant communication.) means that leaky gut can be a major risk factor for the diseases of cognitive decline that are so prevalent. Enjoy the show and learn more at
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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes popular guest Dude Spellings from his base in the cool headquarters of the world, Austin, TX. Dude has used the quarantine to implement an extremely successful micro-workout program at home where he takes a break every hour to perform a few minutes of bodyweight exercises. The show covers the emerging fitness revolution of kinder, gentler workouts that minimize muscle soreness, post-exercise fatigue and the high risk of burnout that comes from the traditional approach of doing epic workouts in high energy group settings. 
The great work of Pavel Tsatsouline, Dr. Craig Marker, Dr. Phil Maffetone and MMA trainer Firas Zahabi is referenced. The priority seems to be switching from doing epic sessions at the gym that come with high risk of exhaustion to simply being more active in everyday life, and also finding ways to perform fitness activities "under the radar"--where they don't fatigue you but deliver an awesome cumulative fitness benefit. The rationale for this is even stronger when you consider the compensation theory insights that increased calorie burning during workouts does not lead to fat loss. Dude also talks about how to minimize blue light exposure in your home, especially in the evenings, so you can facilitate healthy melatonin production in the evening and a natural cortisol and serotonin boost in the morning. 
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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Elle Russ chats with Ashleigh VanHouten about her new book on eating nose-to-tail called It Takes Guts: A Meat-Eater’s Guide to Eating Offal.  Ashleigh is a health and nutrition author and journalist, speaker, podcast host, certified health coach, and self-proclaimed health and fitness nerd.  She has written for Paleo Magazine for more than eight years, as well as a number of other health publications. She hosts the Muscle Maven Radio podcast, and has worked with other top-rated health-related podcasts.


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Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am PST