The Primal Kitchen Podcast

Max Lugavere is the New York Times Bestselling author Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain For LifeAs a health and science journalist, Lugavere has contributed to Medscape, Vice, Fast CompanyCNN, and the Daily Beast and has been featured on NBC Nightly News, the Dr. Oz ShowThe Rachael Ray Show, and in The Wall Street Journal. He is a sought-after nutrition expert, invited to lecture at esteemed academic institutions such as the New York Academy of Sciences and Weill Cornell Medicine, and has given keynotes at such events as the Biohacker Summit in Stockholm, Sweden. From 2005-2011, Lugavere was a journalist for Al Gore’s Current TV. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns dives into the increasingly deep mailbag and pulls out some excellent keto-related questions from real life enthusiasts trying to do the best they can with keto. Brad addresses numerous questions of significance to all enthusiasts, and there are some good practical takeaways from this show. If you have questions, comments, feedback, please email Enjoy the show and please take the time to leave a review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and spread the word to your peeps on social media

Direct download: Ep240_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_BradQ26A.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

This has got to be one of the most frequent questions I see:

“Does coffee break a fast?”

Let’s answer.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr224018-DoesCoffeeBreakAFast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

 Elle Russ chats with Ken Berry MD, author of Lies My Doctor Told Me about ta variety of health topics - from sleep, ADD, parkinson's disease, to the carnivore diet. Dr. Berry has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade.  He is board certified in Family Medicine and was recently awarded the degree of Fellow by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Having seen over 20,000 patients of all ages over his career, he is uniquely qualified to advise on both acute and chronic diseases. Dr. Berry has focused on chronic disease caused by the Standard American Diet and Lifestyle and has made it his mission to turn the tide on the epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes, chronic inflammation and dementia.  Dr. Berry has a variety of free YouTube videos on various topics.

Selected Links:


Connect with Show Host Elle Russ:
The Paleo Thyroid Solution

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks to Rob Rogers and Gary Millet, Founders of the Real Ketones company, makers of the popular exogenous ketone supplement, Kegenix. Rob and Gary are ground floor guys, having developed a patent for ketone products in concert with noted researcher Dr. Dom D'Agostino. Rob and Gary talk through the best use of ketone supplements, including addressing some common objections and misconceptions about these products. 
This show gives you a nice overview of how targeted use of ketone supplements can help you address specific health concerns, help you adhere to a ketogenic diet and drop excess body fat accordingly, and also enhance athletic performance. Brad mentions he likes to consume ketone drinks before, during, and after high intensity sprint workouts, to afford cleaner burning fuel. Enjoy the show and send questions about ketone supplements or other keto related topics to
Direct download: Ep238_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_RobRogersGaryMillet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

I can’t complain about my existence in modern culture. My life is great. I have a loving family. My kids are happy and successful. My wife is a friend and lover and confidante and partner. Business is good and interesting. I care about what I’m doing. Every day is meaningful—and unburdened by concerns around mental well-being. Depression isn’t an issue for me.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr192018-TheRootsOfDepression.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Robert Mack, an ivy-league-educated Positive Psychology Expert, Executive Coach, Published Author of Happiness from the Inside Out, Celebrity Love Coach on E Network’s Famously Single and Host of Good Morning LaLa Land.

Robert writes and speaks to people about how to live happier lives from the inside, out. Robert’s work has been endorsed by Oprah and Vanessa Williams, among many others. has been a featured guest expert for shows like The Today Show, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, CBS Early Show, The Balancing Act, and and magazines like Self, Health, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and Upscale.
Robert has also served as a National Media Spokesperson, Management Consultant, and Executive Coach for companies like Capital One, FitBit, Buffalo Wild Wings, Microsoft, Carnival Cruise Lines, Deloitte Consulting, McCormick & Spice, IFF, Plus Consulting, and Falcon Credit Management.

Robert was born in Pennsylvania. He was educated at Swarthmore College, where he received his Bachelors of Science in Psychology, and the University of Pennsylvania, where he received his Masters in Applied Positive Psychology (M.A.P.P.), an ivy-league degree held by only a few dozen people in the world. Robert lives in Los Angeles.



IG, FB and Twitter: robmackofficial
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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

One of the more exciting developments over the past few years has been the explosion in population genetics research. People are a diverse lot, and even though we’re all people who essentially want the same things out of life (and we’re working with the same basic machinery), there’s a lot of wiggle room. It’s not just information for curiosity’s sake. The information researchers are uncovering about human ancestry can have real ramifications for how said humans should eat.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr112018-HowAncestryMightInformYourFatChoices.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

In today’s show, host Lindsay Taylor talks to Shawn Mynar, NTP, a holistic nutritionist whom you might know as the host of the popular podcast The Keto For Women Show. Shawn is an expert on helping women heal and achieve optimal health through a ketogenic diet and supportive lifestyle modifications. While Shawn’s practice focuses on helping women navigate the world of keto, the information in today’s show will be relevant to everyone! Some of the topics they cover include:

Who benefits from keto? What are the various motivations of the women with whom Shawn works to go keto?


Tips for making the transition to keto as smooth as possible. How do we set ourselves up for success? Are there things that women in particular might want to consider?


Are there “rules” for keto that we should all be following? How do you achieve “food freedom” or metabolic flexibility?


When it is better to try to heal yourself before making any major dietary changes, versus using dietary changes to heal yourself?


Analysis paralysis is real! What can people do to get going even if they feel overwhelmed by the transition to keto?


How does Shawn help people find the optimal number of calories to eat, the correct macros for their specific needs, etc.? Intuitive eating is the ultimate goal, but how do we get there, especially for people who have a history of yoyo dieting or people whose metabolisms aren’t otherwise healthy to start?

How does Shawn help her clients develop a mindset that leads to success?



Shawn Mynar is a holistic nutritionist based out of Boulder, CO. After years of chronic health issues, Shawn was able to regain complete health by changing the food she puts on her plate, the lifestyle choices she makes, and the mindset she brings to daily life. She now has made it her life’s mission to help others understand and implement the power of using food as medicine, specifically with a high-fat, low-carb approach. She has an online holistic nutrition practice specializing in women’s health, autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalances, and gut health. She also teaches a group class, The Fat Burning Female Project, that takes women through the process of becoming keto-adapted with a safe, effective approach. Shawn shares her knowledge and experiences with the masses on her website


Direct download: Ep236_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_ShawnMynar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am PST

Most people learn about ancestral health through books and blogs, which makes sense—Primal folks tend to be big readers, and the complexity and depth and constant evolution of the knowledge almost requires the written word for proper transmission. But a well-produced, beautiful film with great content has a unique effect on viewers. The combination of video and audio are more convincing than prose to our lizard brains, making documentaries a great vehicle for the introduction of a radically new idea. Skilled creators in the paleo space have taken note, producing some excellent ancestral health documentaries.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr102018-InsightsAndTrendsInAncestralHealthDocumentaries.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Paul Robinson - fellow thyroid patient and author of Recovering With T3: My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone. Paul became ill with hypothyroidism just before the age of 30. He is 60 this year (2018) and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on thyroid and adrenal dysfunction.  His scientific background enabled him to fight through the morass of misinformation and recover his health. Paul, was put on the most common thyroid treatment to begin with  - Levothyroxine (also known as Synthroid or T4). However, the majority of his symptoms remained, much like they do for many on T4-only therapy. Over time he became even more ill, with both low cortisol and low thyroid symptoms.

Paul saw many endocrinologists and doctors. Many of these were privately paid for, as he got more desperate and worried about losing his career. Eventually, he realized that he had to figure out what was wrong himself.  During this time he was told, "You will have to live with it", "You have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "You cannot have a thyroid issue, as your thyroid results are within range". All of these were nonsense! Paul eventually recovered. But the costs were great. Over a 10-year period, the struggle had cost him his career, and relationships were damaged.  Paul's own family doctor at the time was so impressed with the work he had done to get well - she suggested he write about it.

In the Recovering with T3 he describes how he recovered from thyroid and adrenal hormone issues. Paul did get well again, after he had been written-off by numerous medical professionals. In the process of getting well he developed a safe protocol for using the T3 thyroid hormone (Liothyronine). This protocol is explained in detail in the Recovering with T3.  In order to fully recover he developed an innovative approach that he details in his second book Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) which can correct adrenal function in many cases.

Paul has now been taking T3-Only (T3-monotherapy) for over 20 years now. He has has worked with thousands of thyroid and adrenal patients, via many Internet forums, and some one-on-one coaching sessions. He knows that every individual thyroid patient needs a solution that suits him or her. All the thyroid hormone treatments have a role.  With good clinical judgment, and all the available thyroid treatments, there is no reason for anyone to continue without symptom relief.

Paul continues to be active as an advocate for thyroid patients through his website: He also has a Facebook page where he posts relevant information from time to time:

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns starts off with a fake question he asks on his own behalf: Should a keto enthusiast fast in the morning or drink a macronutrient balanced, nutrient-dense green smoothie? This relates to Brad's recent experiment with increased caloric intake, inspired by his Primal Endurance show #133 with Dr. Tommy Wood. We get into the details of the autophagy benefits derived from both fasting and doing challenging workouts. Additional listener questions are covered, including one with some important commentary about sleep--the importance of darkness and the drawbacks of excess artificial light and digital stimulation after dark. Enjoy the show and send your questions for the keto-themed show to
Direct download: Ep234_PrimalBlueprint_KRD_BradQ26A.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Google searches for this question have shot up in recent weeks. I’m not surprised. An unprecedented number of people went keto in January purely as a quick weight loss hack, and now they’re looking to transition off of “this weird diet.” Tortillas and bagels beckon, after all. This is the wrong way to approach keto—obviously. It’s not a quick hack. It isn’t magic, and if it were magic, the magic takes awhile to happen.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr042018-WhatHappensAfterKeto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Generally speaking, the basic Primal Blueprint for fitness and physical activity applies equally to men and women of all ages. Lifting heavy things works in everyone. Sprinting is a fantastic way—for anyone who’s able—to compress workouts and improve training efficiency. Improving one’s aerobic capacity through easy cardio doesn’t discriminate between the sexes. And everyone should walk, hike, garden, and perform as much low level physical activity as possible. These basic foundations—the 30,000 foot view of fitness—don’t really change across age or sex.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Apr032018-WomensFitnessShouldItChangeWithAge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Arriane Alexander about putting yourself out there in the social media world through video! Arriane is a “rock your life coach” and has a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology. She helps entrepreneurs step into new possibilities so they can create a life and career they’ve always dreamed of. She spent over 12 years as a high level executive in the fashion business and walked away from that successful career to follow a heartfelt dream of succeeding in the entertainment industry and as a transformational Life Coach. Today, she works consistently as an Actor on TV shows like Justified, Grey’s Anatomy and The People vs O.J. Simpson. She is also the Host of two TV shows, and has booked numerous TV commercials. In other words, she has created the life of her dreams, and as a Rock Your Life coach for over a decade, she helps women do the same in a fun, inspired, and transformative way.  She works with clients all over the world –Entrepreneurs, Health and Fitness Experts, and Executives to help them overcome their fears, self-doubt and any other obstacles blocking their path, to create the foundation for their new life, and a journey to take them there.

Arriane’s Website
Arriane’s YouTube Videos
3 Free Videos

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST