The Primal Kitchen Podcast

A big problem with New Year’s resolutions is not something intrinsic to the practice of resolving to make positive changes in the coming year—these can be beneficial forces in a person’s life—but with the way we word our resolutions. Word choice determines everything. Words mean things. The words we use determine everything that follows. With just slight modifications to the wording and by being more specific, these resolutions can become more powerful, more effective, and more true to our nature and our actual desires.

How would I rewrite eight common New Year’s resolutions?

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec312019-CommonNewYearResolutions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Mark Sisson and Brad Kearns discuss the long-awaited release of their new book, Keto For Life, a comprehensive owner's manual to pursue the ultimate goal of healthspan--living long and living awesome every step of the way. This discussion is also available in video format on YouTube. Enjoy a bit of everything in this free wheeling conversation. Mark reveals that he nearly refused the project since he was not walking his talk in his own life! And how focusing in on the book project helped him recalibrate and hone his most treasured skill of pivoting. Mark makes the assertion that longevity requires more than just dialing in diet, exercise, and sleep. You'll learn that Living Awesome encompasses the Four Pillars of Longevity detailed in the book: Metabolic Flexibility, Movement and Physical Fitness, Mental Flexibility, and Rest & Recovery. Mental Flexibility entails the ability to pivot in the face of life's challenges and changes, avoid the disease state of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and prioritize meaningful interpersonal connections over hyperconnectivity. Learn why there are literally three relevant ages instead of just your chronological age, and why biological and psychological age are vastly more important than your calendar years. This is a great chance to connect with #listentothesisson as he walks you through his most comprehensive book to date! Visit for details about the book and an incredible advance purchase bonus offer. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Stephen Hussey MS, DC - a Chiropractor and Functional Medicine practitioner. He attained both his Doctorate of Chiropractic and Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States in Portland, OR. 


He is a health coach, speaker, and the author of two books on health; The Health Evolution: Why Understanding Evolution is the Key to Vibrant Health and The Heart: Our Most Medically Misunderstood Organ. Dr. Hussey guides clients from around the world back to health by using ancestral wisdom and the latest research. In his down time he likes to be outdoors, playing sports, reading, writing, and spending time with his wife and their pets



Dr. Stephen Hussey Website



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Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm PST

‘Tis the season for consumption.

Cookies, cakes, and pies abound. Feasts happen on a regular basis. Candy is given and received as gifts. And there are parties immeasurable—at work, with family, with friends—where calorie-dense, rewarding food is handed out, like, well, candy. The holiday season is a practice in overeating, and it can be very hard to avoid. You may not want to even avoid it; there’s something to be said for letting loose now and again on special occasions, especially when holiday cheer is in the air.

But what happens to your body when you overeat? And what can you do about it?


(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec182019-Post-BingeBiology.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about how to read scientific research papers. That covered what to do. Today I’m going to tell you what NOT to do as a consumer of research studies.

The following are bad practices that can cause you to misinterpret research findings, dismiss valid research, or apply scientific findings incorrectly in your own life.


(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec172019-7MistakesToAvoidWhenYoureReadingResearch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Erin Fall Haskell (“Dr. Erin”) about overcoming and dealing with trauma. Dr. Erin is the creator and host of Good Morning LaLa Land.  She has been featured on the cover of magazines, radio, and ‘as seen on’ NBC, CBS, FOX, and ABC. She is the author of Awakening: A 40-Day Guide to Unleashing Your Spiritual Powers, Life’s Purpose, and Manifesting Your Dreams! Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally to their divinity while teaching them how to reprogram their subconscious, align with their personal truth and universal laws, and create a daily spiritual practice.

Dr. Erin mentors people one-on-one on a body, mind, and spiritual level. She believes that when someone awakens, they naturally have a gift and message to bring to the world. After many years of working with a wide range of clients; from top celebrities to single mothers, her programs are now available to everyone. Dr. Erin believes that the route to happiness and fulfillment is not just knowing the truth, but living the truth!


“There are moments in life when something happens, life alters, and your entire perception transforms instantaneously.” For Dr. Erin, that moment was 22 years ago when she was holding her stillborn son in her arms, just after giving birth to him. “Tears were streaming down my face as I looked at his beautiful body and realized his body was still there, but he wasn’t. I realized he wasn’t his body; he is a spiritual being. One can conceptually understand that we are not these bodies, but I got it on an entirely different level, my entire world crumbled, delivering me to spiritual revelation.” This sent her on an intense spiritual quest traveling around the world, discovering truths, and learning how to live and embody the truths that had been revealed.


Selected Links – Connect with Dr. Erin Fall Haskell: 

Dr. Erin’s Website


Dr. Erin’s Book Awakening


Dr. Erin on Facebook


Dr. Erin on Instagram

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_ErinFallHaskell2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am PST

There’s a ton of talk about intermittent fasting in the ancestral heath sphere for general health and wellness as well as weight loss, but little indication of specific applications for the practice. Anytime you attempt a “radical” health practice like not eating, it helps to have a good reason to do it. That will not only give you something to aim for, but it will ensure you actually have a physiological justification for your experiment. Never go in blind.

What are some of the specific scenarios and conditions where fasting makes the most sense?


(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec112019-14ScenariosWhenFastingMightBeYourBestApproach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Tara Garrison - a ketogenic diet specialist, personal trainer, mom of 4 and Boston Marathoner. Tara has a holistic approach to health, teaching the importance of a healthy mind and body. She is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), International College of Applied Nutrition and Strength (ICANS), is a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC).




Tara's Website: 

Instagram: (@coachtaragarrison)






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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

A few years ago, I wrote a post describing all the things that avowed Primal eaters can learn from plant-based or even vegan dieters. Sure, we’re diametrically opposed on the role of animal foods in human health, but there are still relevant takeaways.

Carnivores are much closer to Primal eaters on the dietary spectrum, The Primal Blueprint posits that animal foods—meat, fish, fowl, shellfish, eggs, and dairy—represent the most nutrient-dense, most crucial component of the human diet. Carnivore takes that and runs with it, to its logical conclusion: Animal foods are so nutrient-dense and so important that we should eat them to the exclusion of everything else.

I don’t exactly agree, but I see where they’re coming from. And there’s a lot we can learn from the carnivore movement. I’ve got 8 takeaways today.


(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Dec042019-8ThingsWeCanLearnFromTheCarnivoreMovement.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Guest host Ashleigh VanHouten chats with Primal Blueprint Podcast host and author Elle Russ about her new book, Confident As Fu*k (Foreword by Mark Sisson).  Confident As Fu*k is the self-help book for people looking to level up their self-esteem and confidence and manifest their dreams to live a happier, more abundant existence. This book is also for highly confident people to learn how to navigate confidence pitfalls, become more accessible, and refine their nature. In this entertaining exposé on self-esteem and confidence, bestselling author and coach, Elle Russ, dishes out funny, inspiring stories and observations to help you:


  • Identify and finally ditch bad vibes and negative people who are keeping you from being Confident As Fu*k
  • Clean up your past through addressing shame and limiting stories (about yourself and others) that are holding you back
  • Become inspired to speak up for yourself and take a leap into the arena of self-examination


By the end of Confident As Fu*k, you will understand yourself and the shortcomings you need to abandon in order to kick ass and take names!


Elle Russ is the author of Confident As Fu*k and the best-selling health book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution - which has helped thousands of people around the world reclaim their health. Elle is also a TV/Film writer and host of the popular Primal Blueprint Podcast started by NYT’s bestselling author, Mark Sisson. At the age of 22, Elle sustained an injury that left both of her hands and arms permanently disabled. This life-altering physical limitation led to a multitude of emotional and psychological pitfalls that she had to navigate in order to retain and refine her formidable sense of self-esteem and confidence and become Confident As Fu*k. You can learn more about her at 


Confident As Fu*k 

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am PST

Elle Russ chats with Martin Silva - he is beyond passionate when it comes to health, fitness and helping people optimize their body and his purpose is to empower people and help them achieve the best version of themselves. 

From an extremely young age, exercise and playing sports had became a huge part of Martin’s life. At the age of 13, he was introduced to the world of weightlifting and discovered the art of building an admirable physique. Since then, he has coached hundreds of people, traveled around the world competing, eventually achieving professional level status and ranking within the top 10 natural fitness model competitors in the world. 

Martin now prioritizes health rather than being driven purely by aesthetics. His philosophy on health is centered around the guiding principle that if you focus on optimizing your health from the inside out, your healthy, lean physique will then become a bi-product of taking care of yourself.




Podcast_ Optimise Your Body

Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Kendra and Rob Benson (husband and wife team) are behind the brands Explorado Market and Fat Fit Go (Keto treat and energy companies). The Benson's got their start online with the creation of meal plans, recipes, biohacking tips and more at - in January 2019 they sold the blog but are still very active in the longevity and health space. The sale of their blog gave them leverage to build their own production facility in addition to opening one of the world's first Keto Grocery/Bakery shops. 
Selected Links
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_RobKendraBenson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01am PST

Ginny Gane is the bestselling author of The Champion Mindset and an adventurous, fun Law of Attraction expert for people who crave more out of life and are ready to realize their full potential. Ginny teaches LOA skills and guides you towards purposefully creating a life you are wildly in love with. Through her fun and easy courses, ebooks, and personal coaching, she reminds you of your incredible personal power. Learn the skills that will ultimately empower you to take control of your experience and truly uncover and be all that you want to be.  When she’s not playing with LOA, you can find her indulging in sunshiny outdoor adventures, fun fitness exercise and practicing singing…along to the radio.

Cassie Parks loves the ocean, dancing for no reason and the power of possibly. Her best-selling books include the topics of money, business and lifestyle design. She is a mentor for those who want to turn their wildest dreams into their dreams come true.  She is the host of the podcast Happy Ever After and the co-host of the Manifest it Now show.  Other highlights include speaking at TAI talks and being a real estate investor who retired at 32. She is the creator of the Money Money Money Course and the Double Your Business Workshop. Her forthcoming magazine is called Possible. Cassie loves to travel, being with those she loves and laughing a lot.



Manifest It Now PODCAST

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:34am PST

Host Brad Kearns gets deep into the world of ketone supplements with scientist Chris Irvin from Perfect Keto. Chris and Perfect Keto founder Dr. Anthony Gustin recently published a book called The Keto Answers Book, filled with 268 thoughtful answers to the most common questions about the ketogenic diet and ketone supplements. Chris talks about the good and the bad arising from the explosion in popularity of keto, and has an interesting take on the best use of ketone supplements. Chris mentions their effectiveness for times when you need enhanced brain function. You'll hear about possible reasons for lower than expected blood ketone readings and the surprising suggestion that you should not measure ketones first thing in the morning due to something called the "dawn effect," where you have naturally elevated glucose and low ketones upon awakening. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_ChrisIrvin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Ali Miller RD, LD, CDE - Integrative functional dietitian, author of Naturally Nourished (2016), The Anti-Anxiety Diet (2018) and her newest book The Anti-Anxiety Diet Cookbook (2019). 

Ali Miller, RD is a Registered Dietitian with a contagious passion for using nutrients and food as the foundation of treatment protocols and programs. Her Food-As-Medicine philosophy is supported by up-to-date scientific research for a functional approach to healing the body. Ali is a renowned expert in the ketogenic diet with over a decade of clinical results using a unique whole foods approach tailored to support thyroid, adrenal and hormonal balance. 

Ali’s message has influenced millions through the medical community and media with television, print, and her award winning podcast, Naturally Nourished. Ali’s expertise can be accessed through her website: offering her blog, podcasts, virtual learning, and access to her practice and supplement line Naturally Nourished.



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_AliMiller_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Catharine Arnston - the CEO & Founder of ENERGYbits®. Her mission is to help the world be healthier naturally with mother nature’s oldest and original food- algae. Catharine graduated with an MBA from Ivey School of Business and a Health Coach Certificate from 

Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Her career spans thirty-three years during which she has been an international attaché for the Canadian and British Governments, publisher of an international magazine and the Founder of three startups. Catharine founded the algae tablet company ENERGYbits® in Boston MA after her younger sister in Canada was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would help her heal. Catharine helped her sister research alkaline foods and the process led her to discover the healing properties of plant-based nutrition. This ultimately led Catharine to algae, the most nutrient-dense, alkaline plant in the world with vast medicinal properties unknown outside of Asia. Catharine realized algae could have a powerful impact on the world if it was only better understood. Catharine has devoted her life to researching algae and educating consumers, athletes, wellness, spa, fitness and beauty professionals about its therapeutic, sustainable benefits. She is now considered one of the country’s leading experts on algae nutrition, a sought-after speaker at wellness conferences and a frequent guest on podcasts and television. 


Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_CatharineArnston.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm PST

Mark Sisson and Brad Kearns talk about the wonderful world of Primal Endurance. More than a book and an online course (, this is a revolution in the traditional "struggle and suffer" approach to endurance training. If you are an endurance athlete or even just a cardio enthusiast at the gym, this is a great show to lay the foundation for a healthier, more sensible, more effective approach to endurance training. The duo discuss heart rate parameters, stress and rest balance, the strategic inclusion of high intensity workouts, and much more. If you are gonna spend the time and energy to conduct devoted endurance workouts, do it the right way. Realize that slowing down to go faster really works!

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_MarkSisson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm PST

Host Brad Kearns talks you through a top-10 list of fitness trends that are simply awesome! It starts with Brad's favorite recommendation to maintain the passion and competitive intensity throughout life and then being smart and strategic with your training decisions. Today, there are many fantastic breakthroughs in fitness philosophy and strategy that emphasize stress-rest balance, recovery, and mobility instead of just the "no pain, no gain" emphasis of the old days. This list of ideas will be easy for you to implement into your daily routine and gain huge benefits for minimal time investment. Here's a quick look at the list the Brad details for you: Conduct plenty of flexibility/mobility drills per Kelly Starrett; conduct HIRT workouts in favor of HIIT per Dr. Craig Marker; emphasize Breakthrough Workouts per Mark Sisson (exciting new idea Mark's been talkin' 'bout since '88!); increase the severity of your stress/rest fluctuation per Brad Kearns (easier easy workouts!); exercise some restraint at your hardest workouts per Dr. Phil Maffetone: try micro-workouts during your busy day; conduct Rebound Workouts to recover faster, and understand HRV completely, both per Joel Jamieson; fast after difficult workouts (really!) per Dude Spellings; listen to the whole show per Brian "WholeDood" McAndrew. This could be one of the best podcast episodes of the decade because this stuff really works and it's do-able for all fitness enthusiasts!
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_10FitnessTrends.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm PST

Elle Russ chats with thyroid patient advocate and author Janie A. Bowthorpe M.Ed, who suffered at the hands of doctors for 20 years. Why? They failed to see the connection between her chronic and debilitating symptoms and forcing her body to live for conversion alone, aka T4-only like Synthroid.  The examining room responses were always along the lines of “You are normal” and “It’s something else besides your thyroid”. All the latter meant money down the drain, frustrating and false pronouncements by doctors, along with painful tests, dead ends, and the dark realization she would finally have to apply for Social Security Disability.


But Bowthorpe proved them all wrong in 2002. She switched to Natural Desiccated Thyroid, raised and found her optimal amount, and every single debilitating symptom went completely away. That change spurred her to create the movement later called Stop the Thyroid Madness, aka STTM. 


What makes the Stop the Thyroid Madness movement different from other websites and books? It's near totally about 17 years of reported patient experiences in getting well, and the wisdom gained from those experiences. Janie is the author of three great books: The 2019 updated revision of Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Thyroid Treatment - this book compiles all the patient wisdom in getting well and is often called the bible of patient experiences. Hashimoto's: Taming the Beast for those with the autoimmune Hashimoto's disease. Another patient-to-patient book, telling you first about Hashimotos, references to plenty of research, all the ways gut health issues can impact one's issues, and moves into several patient-to-patient information about frustrations, how foods affect different patients, better ways to eat, and 96 short testimonies how how Hashi's patients are taming the beast successfully. And lastly, Stop the Thyroid Madness II: How Thyroid Experts are Challenging Ineffective Treatments and Improving the Lives of Patients (aka STTM II).  Each chapter contributed by a practitioner.



The website is 

facebook page 


Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JanieBowthorpe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Robert Zembroski - a specialist in functional medicine, chiropractic neurologist, clinical nutritionist, and transformational speaker. Twenty-six years in private practice, including his own journey through disease, has enabled Dr. Z to become an expert in health topics from heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, obesity, cancer, hormone issues, nutrition, and fitness. 

He is the author of the ground-breaking new patient-friendly guide to recovery REBUILD: 5 Proven Steps to Move From Diagnosis to Recovery and Be Healthier Than Before. Dr. Z’s new book REBUILD is the only program that allows the reader to create a personalized plan based on their unique health needs. 

Dr. Z has been seen on FOX Business, Fox & Friends, Tom Bilyeu’s Health Theory, and featured in multiple online and print outlets and magazines including: Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health, Readers Digest, Bulletproof, Goop, Medium, Popsugar, Bustle, BuzzFeed and more.

Years ago, Dr. Zembroski’s own diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma led to several courses of toxic chemotherapy, as well as surgery, to remove a five-inch tumor from his chest.

That experience inspired him to create the Cancer Victor® Protocol—a research-based parallel set of steps that augments the function of chemotherapy and radiation treatments to not only improve the function of the chemo, but to radically reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy. The protocol also will make a person going through cancer care stronger and more resilient, leading to better results and a more rapid recovery. 

Director of the Darien Center for Functional Medicine, Dr. Z is committed to providing you answers in a confusing world of medical opinions and poor results. 



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DrRobertZembroski.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns covers a lovely assortment of fitness-related questions, comments, success stories and philosophical musings about whether the MAF approach (slow down, less stress, more rest) might work in all areas of hectic modern life. Other topics: Cold winter swims, grassfed versus pasture-raised, going for it at races instead of worrying about MAF, making adjustments to escape the carb dependency training and eating pattern, being patient with MAF improvement, getting back into shape 85 pounds after college, the benefits (and leeway for carbs) you get from fasting in a 20-4 pattern, and cool stuff like orange lenses and ionizing air filters

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_FitnessQA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Arriane Alexander. She empowers entrepreneurs all over the world to grow their business, make an impact and be wildly successful.  She is the creator of the High Impact Success Academy, a virtual coaching academy designed to give you clarity in your business goals, a strategy to get there and courageous action so you can build confidence and create the business of your dreams.

Arriane holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology and has been involved in the field of Personal Development for over 20 years.  She comes from a background of over 15 years in corporate America, as a high level executive in Sales and Marketing in the fashion business for Brighton Collectibles. 

In addition, you might have seen her on your tv screen, as she has a successful career as an Actor on TV shows such as S.W.A.T., The People v O.J. Simpson and Grey’s Anatomy.  Basically, she has created businesses of her dreams and helps you do the same. Her expertise is helping you use clarity, strategy, confidence and soul, so you can make an impact and take your business to the next level.  She is all about creating big impact with grace, ease and fun.



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_ArianneAlexander2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes Sean Jewell, environmental activist and co-founder of Coracao Confections in the San Francisco Bay Area to educate us on one of the great foods of the planet. Sean recently returned from a visit to his farming collective in Ecuador, and comes to the show rich with insights about the amazing work of organic cacao farmers to harvest a sustainable product, contrasted with the offensive and gross stuff that is happening with conventional cacao farming. If you like dark chocolate, this show will give you a fascinating education on how the cacao product is grown the right way, how to choose the highest quality products, and many more rich insights. 

Hey, if you enjoy discount dark chocolate from Trader Joes or the supermarket, realize that you are almost certainly buying the product of child slave labor in Africa. You know how dark chocolate tastes “bitter”? It’s because they roast the heck out of the beans with conventional dark chocolate such that there is no flavor nuance left. You will appreciate the parallels between cheap dark chocolate and cheap wine or cheap beer. It’s time to become a chocolate conouisseur and look for designations like “bean to bar” and “fair trade” on your product label. Props to Sean for supporting sustainable farming with fair compensation and producing a fantastic dark chocolate bar. Learn more at

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_SeanJewellChocolate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Shawn Wells (MPH, RD, LDN, CISSN, FISSN) -  a Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Fellow in the international Society of Sports Nutrition, and practiced over a decade as a Chief Clinical Dietitian in acute (hospital) and skilled nursing settings.  

He has formulated for over 2 decades and speaks all over the world, and he is a weekly expert on a national radio show (One Life Radio weekly on iHeartMedia), and he will be in a documentary yet to be released internationally on dietary supplements.

Shawn has also been on the ketogenic diet for over 20 years. He was featured in the documentary, the Skinny on Fat that released in 2018 and was most recently on Fox News television talking about 2019 health trends. 

Overcoming and suppressing numerous conditions with keto, paleo, fasting, and supplements such as Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Obesity, and a pituitary tumor is part of Shawn’s passion and journey leading him to help others win these battles too.

Mr. Wells is a nutritional biochemist and has been dubbed in the supplement industry as "The World's Greatest Formulator" where he as formulated over 500 products, available around the world. 




IG: @zonehalo

Twitter: @zonehalo


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Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am PST

Elle Russ chats with Susan Bratton - considered the “Dear Abby of Hot Sex” to fans around the world, Susan’s fresh approach to sex techniques and bedroom communication skills help millions of people—of all ages and across the gender spectrum—transform sex into passion. 

Susan’s straight-forward lovemaking advice is rooted in her personal experience of watching her marital intimacy wither as she and her husband pursued dynamic careers. When her relationship hit a crisis point, Susan made a fierce commitment to do whatever it took to hold her family together and revive the passion in her marriage. Today, she and her husband have the kind of dream relationship most people stopped believing was even possible—until they discover her practical tips. 

After 15 years and over 30k hours of research, practice, teaching, and testing, Susan distilled the six simple essentials that ignite passionate lovemaking into her latest #1 international best-selling book, Sexual Soulmates. 

A serial entrepreneur who was named a Silicon Valley “Woman of Influence,” and AdAge “Top 10 Internet Pioneer," Susan and her company, Personal Life Media, Inc. been featured in The New York Times and appeared on the TODAY Show, ABC, CBS, CNBC, CW, Fox, and NBC. 

Beloved for speaking from the heart and shooting from the hip...she’s written over 20 books and programs including, Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, The Passion Patch, 30 Romance Tricks That Work Like Magic and Revive Her Drive. She has thousands of fans who devour her Better Lover YouTube videos. 

Susan Bratton publishes the work of other highly respected sexuality educators including Dr. Patricia Taylor’s Expand Her Orgasm Tonight and Seduction Trilogy programs; Tallulah Sulis’ Female Liquid Orgasm and Keep Her Coming programs; Jim Benson’s Multi-Orgasmic Lover for Men and her Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection of 200+ heart- connected lovemaking techniques. 

 Perhaps what’s most impressive are the more than one thousand deeply personal thank you notes she’s received from fans worldwide for her positive contribution to their sex lives. 


Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_SusanBratton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am PST

Host Brad Kearns gets deep into the world of fat adapted endurance training and functional medicine for holistic healing with ironman athlete and nutrition expert Debbie Potts. Debbie and prominent exercise physiologist Paul Laursen are holding a free seminar in Kona on the subject during the Big Show in October. In this episode, Debbie and Brad talk about the importance of taking care of your health as you pursue ambitious endurance goals. Debbie mentions the functional health approach of HIDDEN: Hormones, Immunity, Digestion, Detox, Energy and Neurotransmitters. Don’t make the mistake of a narrowly focused approach that gets you fit and unhealthy. Also learn some ideas about optimizing carb intake for endurance training, including sorting out hype from legit strategies and how you can customize your approach for best results. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_DebbiePotts_919.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Andrew Weil MD - an internationally recognized expert on medicinal plants, integrative medicine and wellness. As the founder and Director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Weil is leading the global effort to develop a comprehensive integrative medicine curriculum.

Combining a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine, Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where he also serves as a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Professor of Public Health as well as the Lovell-Jones Professor of Integrative Rheumatology.

Dr. Weil has traveled the world collecting information about medicinal plants and alternative methods of treating disease. The author of 15 best-selling books and many scientific articles, Weil is a renowned expert on alternative plant-based healing. Matcha is the latest in his array of natural, plant-based options. Use the code Primal15 for a discount on Dr. Weil’s matcha, at


For more information on Dr. Weil, visit

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes Dude Spellings for an episode that goes deep into the world of personal growth. Listen if you dare to Dude baring his soul and discussing the life-changing experience of his five-day intensive retreat known as “Training Camp For The Soul”. Once the heavy stuff is out of the way, Dude regales the listener with an account of how he did a rim to rim to rim crossing of the Grand Canyon (49 miles) without food! And how, when he finished with his crew and was welcomed at the South Rim with a stack of pizzas to celebrate, Dude instead decided to fast overnight in order to speed recovery. Yes, Dude is the first person to utter the transformational insight that fasting may just be the most efficient way to recovery from strenuous workouts! After all, we know that inflammation, immune function, and cell repair are all optimized when you are in a fasted state. Hard to imagine when athletes associate food with celebration after workouts, but these cutting edge insights will really get you thinking about the best ways to optimize nutrition, peak performance, and recovery. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_DudeSpellings_Pt2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Tony Gaskins, Jr. about his new book MAKE IT WORK: 22 TIME-TESTED, REAL LIFE LESSONS FOR SUSTAINING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.  Tony is a husband and father first. In his spare time he’s a bestselling author, international speaker, and celebrity life coach. 

It all started after he lost his full football scholarship after 3 seasons of poor performance on the field. At 22-years-old he used his gift of writing to start writing books based on the wisdom he’d gained from life. At 25-years-old he went on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Tyra Banks Show, and the 700 Club telling different portions of his life story. He exposed his mistakes and turned them into lessons. Everything from being toxic in relationships to living the street life with his cousins. Tony allowed his pain to birth his purpose. Then at 26 he was called on by the NBA, NFL, and NCAA to speak to athletes about life, love, and responsibility as young adults. 

As a result of of Tony’s message going viral online, he’s amassed 3 million supporters who enjoy his very real and raw delivery of life’s wisdom. Celebrities from all industries have reposted and shared Tony’s content. NBA All-Stars like Dwyane Wade and Damian Lillard have flown Tony in to speak at camps and community events. Countless others call Tony their Life Coach. 

Tony served as the team life coach for college teams and a NBA team for several seasons before resigning to be home more with his family, and to work non-exclusively. Tony defines himself as a modern-day servant leader who teaches as he learns, but most importantly lives what he teaches. 

Selected Links:
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_TonyGaskinsJr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:24am PST

Brad tackles some interesting and varied Q&A, including concerns about fueling with carbs during long workouts, how family high cholesterol concerns jibe with feeling great while eating paleo/keto, and much more fun stuff. Email to ask questions or give feedback on the show.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_BradQAGeneralTopics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25pm PST

Mark Sisson chats with Matt Wallden - Mark’s co-writer on two medical papers on the concept that the notion that chairs – a mainstay of most industrialized cultures – were only invented by the Mesopotamian’s 4,000 years ago.  This means that for more than 99% of our bipedal evolution our ancestors were using the floor as their place of rest.  Indeed, still in many cultures today where chairs are not available or practical indigenous groups still use a definable set of ground-based sitting postures, which are known as “Archetypal Rest Postures”.


If you, or someone you know has experienced connective tissue injuries, such as Achille’s problems, tennis elbow, jumper’s knee you’ll know that these can be persistent challenges which can be difficult to resolve. Similarly, blood sugar handling can be a stubborn challenge which may even resist diligent attempts to manage through diet alone.


What if there was an ingredient of your daily routine that our ancestors (and therefore our evolving physiology) partook in as part of their lifestyle which is missing from your modern existence that could help solve these challenges?  Something so simple, that takes no extra time in your day, but helps to ease the aches and pains of daily life and optimizes blood glucose issues - all while resting?  Sounds good, right?!


The concept of Archetypal Rest Postures was first described by the Osteopath & Acupuncturist, Phillip Beach, back in the 1990’s, and full descriptions of them are available in Phill’s book “Muscles & Meridians – the manipulation of shape” and in Matt Wallden’s Rehabilitation chapter in the textbook “Naturopathic Physical Medicine”.


In these papers, published in the most recent edition of Elsevier’s prestigious Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, we describe how the disconnect between how we rested for millions of years, and how we rest in a modern environment may be a key factor in contributing to persistent tension in various muscles we use for sports and activities of daily living; and also how this may impair healing mechanisms, especially in tendon injury.


Similarly, applying an evolutionary lens to this natural way of resting may provide insight into why it really makes little sense that our ancestors would have needed a full stretching warm-up before allowing the Sabre-tooth to chase them (as any athlete seems to need today before competing)!!  Could it be that these archetypal rest postures were nature’s way of keeping the body “tuned up” and balanced ready for activity at the drop of a hat… or the snap of a twig?!


This would all seem to make good sense; but what may be less expected is the fact that several research papers have now shown that stretching (and in particular passive stretching) across a period of weeks has a balancing effect on blood sugar control. Who would have thought that essentially “doing nothing” other than sitting using archetypal rest postures could be enough to help balance blood sugar?  Exercising – yes, that seems to make good sense, but resting?!


The key, though, is that resting using archetypal rest postures is a natural way of stretching a variety of muscle groups and connective tissues, but none of the rest postures is inherently comfortable.  The end result?  You move!  You squat down and, after a few minutes, it gets uncomfortable, so you may put one knee down on the ground (half squat, half kneel), but give that a couple of minutes and you want to move; so you may switch to full kneeling.  After a few minutes kneeling, this becomes uncomfortable, so you switch to sitting cross-legged and so on.  Each posture stretches a different set of muscles and fascia and each provides both a healing stimulus and an opportunity for blood to flow into different muscle groups and to increase glucose uptake within the muscle.  The upshot of this is better blood sugar control.


So, finding ways to build these postures into your daily routine is the key to realising the benefits of them.  Finding or building a workstation to allow you to tap out emails from a floor-based position is one simple solution.  Coffee tables tend to work well for this kind of scenario, some height-adjustable desks may go low enough for this, but also there are an array of display stands that can be adjusted to the perfect height for your working conditions such as here.  Similarly, those playing computer games, watching endless hours of YouTube, social media or who enjoy TV; these archetypal rest postures can be adopted for the (on average) 5 hours per day this is happening.  Imagine that, a no-time impact, no effort means of helping balance the body’s biomechanics and its blood sugar management!


If you like the sound of that, then you can dive deeper into the details of the discussion on connective tissue, blood sugar and archetypal rest postures in the two papers.




• Modern Disintegration - Primal Connectivity, Editorial Paper:

• Biomechanical Attractors - A Paleolithic Prescription for Tendinopathy & Glycemic Control, Practical Paper:



The first podcast (released June 29th) is on Matt Wallden’s FC2O (from chaos to order) podcast available here.  

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_MattWaldenMarksisson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes Dude Spellings back to the show. Dude is a high performing endurance athlete and extreme health enthusiat who has an interesting and progressive take on many aspects of endurance training, peak performance, biohacking, and living a healthy, happy balanced life. In part 1, Dude and Brad discuss one of their favorite subjects: cold therapy. Learn the comprehensive benefits for both a physical/hormonal boost as well as how cold exposure builds focus and psychological resiliency. Jumping into cold water (or cold shower) every day transcends the fickle attribute of motivation and becomes an automatic patterned behavior - a healthy habit. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_DudeSpellings1_ColdTherapy_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm PST

Host Brad Kearns fields some unusual questions, including two people who complain about losing too much weight on keto. Other topics include a heartwarming military success story (with a reminder about the difficulties active duty and veterans have with mental and physical health and access to quality medical and preventive wellness care). We also hear about the benefits of a HIRT style (High-Intensity Repeat Training) workout or MSP (Maximum Sustained Power) instead of the typical template of an exhaustive workout marked by cumulative fatigue and cellular depletion.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_BradQA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am PST

Elle Russ chats with Bela Gandhi - a dating/relationship expert, founder of Smart Dating Academy and a weekly media correspondent. She is a dating expert on the Steve Harvey Show, Relationship Insider for, a regular contributor to the TODAY Show and Good Morning America, and appears
frequently on ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, and more.
After she graduated, Gandhi worked in mergers and acquisitions for Arthur Andersen in Chicago for a year before joining her family's chemical and manufacturing company - where she divided her time between Chicago and Europe helping to expand the business. When the Gandhi family sold its business to Akzo Nobel, she was asked to remain its leader, and became
Akzo Nobel Non-Stick Coating’s Global Vice President of Housewares. But even as she quickly climbed the corporate ladder, Gandhi had a feeling that her career would one day be taking a sharp turn in a different direction – because she discovered her love of matchmaking and providing dating advice. 
She launched her Smart Dating Academy in 2009. Smart Dating Academy has quickly become one of the nation's top date coaching firms - and teaches busy, successful professionals to jump start their dating lives successfully. Smart Dating Academy is like going to Harvard Business School, but for dating and relationships – they have helped hundreds of thousands of people find love! They become personal trainers for their clients’ love lives. The SDA coaching program is results-oriented and fun - which helps you to clarify who is right for you, stop old dating patterns, and use technology the RIGHT way. You
become positive and enthusiastic about dating / relationships again! Its clients receive personalized dating plans, and essential training in how to meet high caliber singles, personal style, conversation, and online success.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_BelaGhandi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14pm PST

Elle Russ chats with author Robert A. Glover Ph.D. about his new book Dating Essentials For Men.  Whether you want to create a loving long-term relationship (LTR), get married and have kids, or just hook-up... Dating Essentials for Men will teach you how.  This in-depth guide helps men identify their goals for dating and how to achieve them - along with helping men face fears and soothe anxiety, talk to women with confidence, create powerful sexual polarity, break up with integrity, and much more.

On a previous podcast episode (#322), Dr. Glover spoke about the “Nice Guy Syndrome” and his related book No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life.  He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications. Through his books, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.

Dr. Glover lives in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and you can learn more about him and his work at

Selected Links:

Dating Essentials for Men

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_RobertGloverep2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:32am PST

Host Brad Kearns fields an assortment of interesting questions, including SIBO, functional medicine, afternoon blues, optimizing electrolytes and minerals with keto, why tracking blood ketones is less important than you might think, acid reflux challenges, how not to get carried away with eating fat on keto. A question about cornivore and Brad elaborates on the rationale and intended benefits of nose-to-tail style carnivore eating. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_BradQA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am PST

Elle Russ chats with Paul Robinson about his latest book The Thyroid Patient’s Manual.  Paul is a thyroid patient who became ill with hypothyroidism in his late 20s. He was eventually able to recover using T3-only replacement therapy. He has written 2 other books: Recovering with T3 and The CT3M Handbook

At first, Paul, was put on the most common thyroid treatment - Levothyroxine (also known as Synthroid or T4-only). However, the majority of his symptoms remained, much like they do for many on T4-therapy. Over time he became even more ill, with both low cortisol and low thyroid symptoms.

Paul saw many endocrinologists and doctors as he got more desperate and worried. During this time, he was told, "You will have to live with it”, “You have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "You cannot have a thyroid issue, as your thyroid results are within range".  Even though  these statements were nonsense, Paul was written-off by the medical profession.

Eventually, he realized that he had to figure out what was wrong himself. Natural dessicated thyroid (NDT) did not help him. T4/T3 combinations did not help him. The struggle over many years cost him his career and damaged his relationships. He had lost all of his thirties and some of his forties on this struggle.

Paul got well by using T3 on its own - with no T4 at all. He calls this T3-Only treatment. He developed  a safe and effective protocol for using T3 (Liothyronine) and developed a way of raising cortisol levels if needed. Paul has now been taking T3-Only (T3-monotherapy) for over 20 years and has worked with thousands of hypoththyroid and low cortisol patients.

He knows that every individual thyroid patient needs a solution that suits him or her.

With good clinical judgment, and all the available thyroid treatments, there is no reason for anyone to stay unwell for a long time on poor thyroid treatment. When this happens it can seriously affect someones's life.

Paul wrote his third book The Thyroid Patient’s Manual to help any patient, whether they merely suspect thyroid disease, or are already under treatment that may not be going well. It covers all types of thyroid medications (not just T3). It is also consistent with recent research findings, regarding thyroid diagnosis and treatment and will help patients and doctors alike. The new book has been described by Thyroid UK as ‘essential reading’ for all hypothyroid patients and it has been awarded 5 star reviews by most readers on Amazon. Its main goal is to provide enough information to enable a thyroid patient to get well as fast as possible. 


Paul's website:

Paul on Facebook (, 

Twitter ( 

YouTube (

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am PST

Host Brad Kearns follows up the high impact headline with some interesting commentary about the rationale and benefits of a carnivore style eating pattern, the concept of hormetic stressors and how they benefit our health, and what do to if you were suddenly diagnosed with cancer--featuring insights from cancer survivor Alison Gannette ( and Dr. Cate Shanahan ( 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_CarnivoreandCancer_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm PST

Elle Russ chats with KETOGAINS co-founders Luis Villesenor and Tyler Cartwright.  

Luis has always been passionate about fitness due to a personal interest in improving his own physique. Always curious in learning the “whys and how’s” of how it all works, he has been studying and researching nutrition and strength training since he was 17.Upon discovering ketogenic diets in 2001, Luis has been on a low carb regime ever since, which he has used to favorably recomposition his body and improve his health.


Luis decided to develop KETOGAINS to share his experiences and knowledge and help people attain their health and fitness goals. Luis is regarded as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable persons on Low-Carb / Ketogenic dieting, and is the “go to guy” when applying a Low-Carb diet for Bodybuilding and Strength Training by well-known and respected insiders, leaders, influencers of the low carb/paleo and general fitness community.

Tyler Cartwright has a fascination with learning, reading, and self-improvement. A decade ago, with his weight at a hulking 505 lbs, his doctor told him, "All-in-all you're as healthy as a horse, but you're also as big as one.  I'm not going to test your blood for what I know we will find, because I think you can fix this with diet and exercise."  After pressing the issue, he tested his blood at a private lab and found his HbA1c to be over 13 (Type 2 Diabetes).  Upon hearing that, he embarked on a journey to leverage that knowledge along with some passing experience and knowledge of a ketogenic diet to improve what was sure to be a food-shortened life.  Along the way, in addition to resolving Type 2 diabetes, he shed 295 lbs without the aid of surgery or medication.  His wife has lost over 125 lbs.   

Ketogains can assist you with your fitness and health goals through the knowledge, experience, and passion of their multidisciplinary team of professionals with varied and complimentary experiences, qualifications, and skills that have helped define and refine their protocols: Nutritionists, Fitness Trainers, Health Coaches, MDs, Dentists, Plastic Surgeons and Scientists and Researchers are part of our Coaching and Advisory Team.



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_KetoGains.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49am PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes favored recurring podcast guest Andre Obradovic from Australia. Andre is a life coach, endurance coach and elite amateur triathlete with a fresh perspective on peak performance and goal setting, including the important lifestyle admonition: "Don't be a muppet, mate." A muppet is someone who follows along in the pack, content to be mediocre. In this wide-ranging show, Andre asks Brad and the listener some tough coaching questions, "What's important to you?" and why aren't you making it happen. The pair talk about the value of putting structure, discipline and patterned systems in place that help you succeed. Brad talks about the relevance to fat reduction goals and shares his recent journey from fat muppet boy back to fit. Indeed, when we allow for too much freedom and flexibility in the context of comfortable and decadent modern life, we can set ourselves up for failure. 
This show will give you a general framework from which to operate as a peak performer, then you can apply the principles and insights into increased work productivity, making better training decision. You'll learn the importance of nurturing a supportive social circle, aka "reference group," for the people you hang out with most have a profound impact on who you are and what you do. Enjoy a wild ride with some hard hitting insights, straight talk, and vulnerable self-accountability from Andre and Brad.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_AndreObradovic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am PST

Elle Russ chats with Josh Perry - a former professional BMX athlete, motivational speaker, and certified holistic health coach who is fighting 4 brain tumors with a ketogenic diet. His passion and motivation for living his best life stems from the discovery of a genetic predisposition to accumulating tumors - a realization that sparked his investigative journey into researching the health, performance, and longevity of the human brain. As a result, Josh follows a ketogenic diet - and since adopting this lifestyle paradigm, the growth of his tumors have ceased and he feels better and more fulfilled than ever before!

Josh launched a health coaching business to inspire and help others to improve their brain health so they can transform into the most successful versions of themselves. Josh also teamed up with the Athlete Recovery Fund to raise awareness and funds for a nonprofit BMX/wellness event called the Brainy BMX Stunt Shows that focuses on raising direct funds for direct patient care through education, sport, and faith. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JoshPerry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes newly anointed University of Washington professor Dr. Tommy Wood to help us make sense of the exciting new health trends that can really get confusing when we hear disparate expert opinions. Dr. Tommy is one of the most sensible and highly knowledgeable voices you will hear in the ancestral health scene, and this show hits some hot button items that you’ll love to learn more about. Dr. Tommy explains the common ground among whole food plant based and carnivore, how we might be overselling the importance of diet and many of the popular biohacking practices. We talk about striking a healthy balance between the benefits of fasting and caloric efficiency and eating nutritious foods to fuel workouts and promote recovery. This show offers an elegant blend of sensible, actionable advice and scientific commentary that will help you learn more to the story than the screaming health headlines. Enjoy Dr. Tommy Wood and follow him on Instagram @DrTommyWood

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_TommyWood.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. - a graduate of Harvard Medical School who completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry. He is currently a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, founding co-director of UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, founding co-investigator at the UCLA Center for Culture, Brain and Development, and executive director of the Mindsight Institute, an educational center devoted to promoting insight, compassion, and empathy in individuals, families, institutions, and communities.

Dr. Siegel’s psychotherapy practice spans thirty years, and he has published extensively for the professional audience. He serves as the Founding Editor for the Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology which includes over 70 textbooks. Dr. Siegel’s books include his five New York Times bestsellers: Aware: The science and practice of presence; Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human, and two books with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.: The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. His other books include: The Developing Mind (2nd Ed.), The Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology, Mindsight, The Mindful Brain, The Mindful Therapist, Parenting from the Inside Out (with Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.), The Yes Brain (also with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D). He has been invited to lecture for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google University, and TEDx. 



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DanSiegel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49am PST

Host Mark Sisson welcomes carnivore diet expert Dr. Paul Saladino for a wide-ranging conversation centered upon the exciting new carnivore diet movement. Paul is a psychiatrist and functional medicine physician who has become a leading authority and promoter of carnivore-style eating. Paul talks about his background of western medical training, his approach of practicing "root cause medicine," and his discovery of incredible results from carnivore in himself, his patients, and many enthusiasts. 

Mark and Paul get deep into the science of how eating what we have always believed to be a healthy plant-based diet can actually result in nutrient deficiency (especially vegan and vegetarian), autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Dr. Paul explains how coffee and tea can also deliver net negative results, especially in sensitive people. You will emerge with an excellent understanding of the premise behind carnivore beyond the knee-jerk reaction that this strategy is unfounded or even dangerous. Open your mind and learn about the radical concept that plant foods may not be necessary, and may even be harming your health.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_PaulSaladino.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:24am PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes Jay O’Hare to talk about the healing benefits of CBD (cannabidiol). Jay is a trail and ultrarunner from Steamboat Springs, CO, and co-founder of Venga CBD. Venga makes medical grade CBD that is helpful in the treatment of various conditions including pain, inflammation, sleeplessness, anxiety and depression, and neurodegenerative disorders. Jay gives us a great education on the CBD scene that has exploded in popularity in recent times as a wonder agent with virtually no side effects. CBD works on the endo-cannabanoid neurotransmitter system to mute the immune response to inflammation and help your body return to homeostasis quickly. In contrast, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) block the body’s natural inflammatory processes and generate severe side effects. If you are curious about CBD and want to sort through the hype and the misinformation, particularly the distinction between psychoactive agents like THC and CBD, which does not get you high, this show may get you interested in learning more and trying to support the common complaints about inflammation, soreness, and delayed recovery among endurance athletes. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_CBD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Dr. Jason was a healthy, energetic Portland chiropractor, eating paleo and slamming CrossFit workouts until everything fell apart virtually overnight. His vagas nerve controlling the function of the autonomic nervous system and systemwide organ function had gone completely haywire and he became disabled--SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and severe brain inflammation among his maladies. He needed a standin to take over his practice and, "I spent several years on my back, exhausted and in pain." 
Jason fought back with an incredible healing protocol that is worth listening to, even if you are suffering just a little with this or that instead of in an extreme manner like Jason. In this illuminating show, Jason describes how the carnivore diet gave his gut function and immune system the break it needed to spur healing, and how strategic use of antibiotics and nicotine. Yes, nicotine, used responsibly with tobacco or other chemicals, is becoming a popular healing strategy. Dr. Jason also talks about how meditation and making the "Ommm" sound might help vagas nerve function and how the breathing exercises popularized by Wim Hof and others can nourish vagas function too. This show will force you to think critically and with an open mind about how certain health conditions are mischaracterized by mainstream medicine, how alternative approaches can bring miracle results. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_JasonBussanich.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Leland Conway - an award-winning broadcaster who changed his life and his health through adopting a paleo/keto lifestyle and adhering to Primal Blueprint principles. He is the host of The Leland Conway Show, a three hour daily talk show on News Radio 840WHAS in Louisville, Kentucky as well as a one hour version of the show on News Radio 630 WLAP in Lexington. Leland is a contributor to Fox News and has hosted shows around the nation from Phoenix, AZ, Denver CO and Atlanta, GA to Richmond, VA. 
Leland also co-hosts The Disruption Zone podcast with Cameron Mills.  He was also the co-host of The University of Kentucky football and basketball pre-game and post-game radio shows and was a co-founder of the highly successful political blog, The Conservative Edge.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_LelandConway.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30am PST

Elle Russ chats with Oren Jay Sofer - the author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication. He leads retreats and workshops on mindful communication at meditation centers and educational settings around the United States. A graduate of the IMS-Spirit Rock Teacher Training Program, he holds a degree in Comparative Religion from Columbia University, teaches in the Insight Meditation community, and is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and a Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication. 
Oren creates mindfulness training programs for a number of organizations, including Mindful Schools, Kaiser Permanente, and 10% Happier. He lives in Richmond, California.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_OrenJaySofer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09am PST

Host Brad Kearns joins frequent podcast guest Brock Armstrong, the Get Fit Guy and popular Canadian weight loss coach to let it flow and talk about all manner of topics relating to the training strategy and mindset of endurance athletes. First off, let's reflect on how your endurance goals and synching up with your everyday life. Is this a win/win? Or do you experience stress and discomfort trying to squeeze workouts in and pursue finish lines that don't have as much meaning as they once did? Brad can relate, as he shares the incident that happened at the end of the Wildflower triathlon that led him to retire on the spot. 
Brock talks about his innovative weight loss program at that doesn't have a diet plan nor a fitness program, but instead focuses on mindset and healthy lifestyle patterns. You'll reflect on how well you emphasize recovery and how you can improve your recovery strategies, and how to best blend high tech biofeedback and hacking strategies with good 'ol intuition when making training decisions. Enjoy this wide ranging show!
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_BrockArmstrong.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm PST

Brad tackles some interesting and varied Q&A, including concerns about fueling with carbs during long workouts, how family high cholesterol concerns jibe with feeling great while eating paleo/keto, and much more fun stuff. Email to ask questions or give feedback on the show.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_QAJuly19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Palmer Kippola - an author, speaker, and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) who specializes in helping people reverse and prevent autoimmune conditions. She developed a framework called F.I.G.H.T.S. to help others beat autoimmune conditions based on her 26-year battle to overcome multiple sclerosis. 
In her new book Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health with a foreword by Mark Hyman, MD...she shares the science, stories and strategies to help people heal and thrive.
Palmer has done coursework with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the HeartMath® Institute, and the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. In addition, she has studied under leading experts in nutrition, holistic health, energy, and Functional Medicine.She founded Transcend Autoimmune, a growing community of people proactively seeking to reverse or prevent autoimmune conditions naturally.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_PalmerKippola.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks to Dr. Craig Marker about his transformative article that is destined to make us all rethink how we approach high-intensity training. Titled "HIIT vs HIRT", Dr. Marker explains that the cellular breakdown, inflammation and oxidative stress generated by a typical interval session is not worth the recovery cost. Instead, we should focus on delivering brief, explosive efforts of a similarly high quality throughout the workout. This means keeping your efforts generally 20 seconds or less, and taking what Dr. Marker calls "luxurious" rest intervals. The conversation transitions into Dr. Marker's area of professional expertise: Anxiety. Instead of trying to avoid anxiety-producing situations, lean into them until you become more comfortable and achieve a growth experience. This can include high-intensity workouts, cold or heat exposure, and fasting. Dr. Marker likes to drive around Atlanta in the summer with no A/C in the car. This helps him appreciate air conditioning that much more! Brad describes how his approach to sprinting was transformed by this single article, and how he has become more explosive, less stressed, and recovers faster thanks to shortening the duration of his sprints and increasing the rest interval. Fitness enthusiasts of all levels will benefit greatly from backing away from the pain and suffering mentality and focusing on being explosive. Bottom line, Dr. Marker says a typical sprint workout in any activity might entail 15-20 seconds of max effort, followed by 40-60 seconds of rest, and perhaps 4-10 reps. Enjoy the show!
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_CraigMarker.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Leanne Vogel about her latest book Keto for Women and the nuanced dietary considerations that women can adopt to help them succeed with a keto lifestyle.  Leanne is the founder of Healthful Pursuit and Happy Keto Body™ and best-selling author of over 12 health programs and international bestselling paperbacks: The Keto DietThe Keto Diet Cookbook.  She is the host of The Keto Diet Podcast, and the creator of Fat Fueled living - a holistic, paleo- friendly approach to a ketogenic, high-fat diet. She has been in the field of nutrition since receiving her holistic nutrition certification in 2007. Leanne shares keto-friendly resources for women on her website,
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_LeanneVogel2028129.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:20am PST

Elle Russ chats with CJ Hunt, the writer, producer and host of the break out film (and first Paleo documentary), The Perfect Human Diet, and author of the how-to companion guide of the same title. CJ is currently in production for The Perfect Human Diet  2. On today’s episode, CJ dispells the lies behind current health news headlines, falsely concluded health studies, articles, and more.


If you are in the Ancestral Health, Paleo, Keto or Ethical Omnivore camps, healthy animal foods and their production are under constant attack by popular films like Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy and What The Health. These films and films like them claim that animal foods are not only destroying our health, but our environment as well. CJ’s mission is to counteract these false narratives and bring the truth to the forefront by not letting these propaganda films go unchallenged.  You can help support this mission by donating to the film which is non-profit endeavor.





Direct download: CJHUNT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Steven Gundry, M.D. about his new book The Longevity Paradox.  During his 40-year medical career he performed over 10,000 heart surgeries and developed patented, life-saving medical technology. After discovering key secrets to health 15 years ago, his mission is to prevent surgery by helping patients heal themselves through proper nutrition. His best-selling book from 2008, Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution,focused on specific diet principles for weight-loss and disease reversal. His second book, The Plant Paradox, further illuminates truths about hidden dangers of supposed “healthy” foods. 

Dr. Gundry founded Gundry MD in 2016—a wellness blog, YouTube channel and supplement company to achieve optimum vitality. He practices medicine at the International Heart & Lung Institute and Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, CA.

Selected Links:
Dr. Gundry’s Website

The Longevity Paradox

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_StevenGundry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17am PST

Primal Health Coach and extreme health expert Dude Spellings returns to the show for a wide-ranging discussion about his wild and wacky journey to his current highly optimized primal lifestyle. Dude started as state high school distance running champion in Texas, went to corporate couch potato, and then back into the endurance scene with a random marathon performance after a single 21-mile training session to prepare! As Dude returned to enthusiastic endurance training in his 30s, he shockingly gained excess body fat despite his intensive training regimen. 
This is the so-called Elephant in the Room mentioned at the beginning of the Primal Endurance book. Why do endurance athletes, despite hours of weekly training and attention to sensible eating, struggle with excess body fat? Dude has lived through this ordeal and emerged with groundbreaking insights that you will absolutely love. We talk about the balance between discipline and enjoying life, and the slippery slope of bad habits, how the Maffetone 2-week test (carb restriction) prompted a diet overhaul, and how a chance conversation with Brad at a Speedgolf event 4 years ago convinced him to slow down and emphasize MAF heart rate training. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBluerprint_Endurance_DudeSpellings_primaljourney_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Integrative Physician Gary E. Foresman MD about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and its benefits in treating autoimmune disorders, cancer, and much more.

In 1994 when DrForesman opened a private practice, he quickly became dissatisfied with the inability of established Western medical treatments to effectively treat many of his patients. DrForesman began investigating alternative therapies and has since expanded his training in many systems of healing—not just through meditation and stress management, but also using botanical, orthomolecular and functional medicine systems. His scientific mind combined with a holistic integrative perspective, makes him a skilled practitioner who therapeutically synthesizes optimal healing modalities for each individual.

DrForesman ranked among the top in the nation on his Internal Medicine Board Exams and has some of the most comprehensive Internal Medicine training to be found - including serving as a Clinical Professor who trained other physicians at a University Medical Center. 

In-depth commentary on thyroid dysfunction by Dr. Gary Foresman can be found in The Paleo Thyroid Solution written by Elle Russ.


Selected Links: Dr. Gary Foresman - Website

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_GaryForesman_LDN_AD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about the importance of tracking testosterone and other key blood values, and how we can have a tremendous and immediate influence over our blood values without having to resort to medication regiments. Brad mentions how he doubled his testosterone level, going from clinically low (and candidate for drug therapy) to beyond 99th percentile for males over age 50 six months later. The first reading was after several months of "chronic cardio" in the form of frequent Speedgolf. The second reading came after months of rest and recovery following a string of surgeries. The story comes with an important message about getting help when you are in pain instead of trying to tough it out like a tough guyBrad's medical ordeal of an emergency appendectomy and months of complications and a few additional surgeries after could have been much less troubling had he insisted on further medical care instead of toughing it out. A few athlete Q&A is also included, including how "180 minus age" is a great reference for training, but not too relevant for a short sprint race. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_ToughGuyWarning_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm PST

It's time for the annual Paleo Fx recap podcast with super duper podcast hosts Elle Russ and Brad Kearns. Brad and Elle go off on assorted interesting topics of mind and body, inspired by the consciousness expanding experience at the show. Brad and Elle talk about how vegan creeping into the conversation in Austin, and the importance of examining self-limiting beliefs and manifesting empowering beliefs. Elle won a freaking standup paddleboard at a raffle simply by intentionalizing her victory! We talk about how flawed science, or blanket reliance on science as the end-all, can be detrimental to your personal results. The pair discuss the awesome Primal Health Coach crowd, and some interesting products at the show: Therapeudic near-infrared red light exposure (and Brad's strategic application on key body parts), CBD products, and more. If you couldn't make Paleo Fx, now you can feel connected and inspired to attend next year.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_PaleoFxRecap.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am PST

Elle Russ chats with Justin Perry - the founder and CEO of the world's largest Law of Attraction YouTube channel, YouAreCreators™. He founded YouAreCreators™ in 2012 which has over 1.4 million subscribers and over 100 million views combined.

Justin’s life changed drastically when he discovered the principles of the Law of Attraction - he went from working on an assembly line to buying a house on the water with two boats, and much more. Justin has made it his mission to share his knowledge of positive thinking and the power of the subconscious mind…to help you create the life you desire, deserve, and love.  Visit his YouTube Channel for inspiring videos, guided prosperity and wellness meditations, positive affirmations, and much more!



YouAreCreators - YouTube Channel

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JustinPerry_AD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am PST

Brad welcomes Ironman triathlete, personal trainer, and holistic health coach Debbie Potts to discuss her area of expertise: Slowing down, being happy, playful, and mindful, and escaping the disastrous consequences of the hard driving, orthorexic, Type-A mindset that often takes you right to breakdown, burnout, illness, and injury. Debbie is on a long road to recovery after a decade-long binge at the highest levels of amateur triathlon racing (12-time ironman finisher) destroyed her health and well-being. Brad and Debbie talk about a healthy approach to dietary transformation, emphasizing eating wholesome, colorful foods, choosing the best in each category, and never struggling or suffering in the name of diet. This episode is syndicated on Debbie's WHOLEAthlete podcast so check out that channel and get deeper into a holistic approach to endurance training and healthy, fit living. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_DebbiePotts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Dr. Cate Shanahan, the author of Deep Nutrition and Food Rules, pulls no punches when discussing how our conventional view of screening and treating cancer could be ill-advised. Referencing the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Cate explains that cancer is actually a metabolic disease, rather than a genetic disease. This implies that instead of aggressive chemo and radiation treatment to attack cancer at the genetic level, the dietary modification could be the most effective strategy. This aligns with Warburg Effect principle, which suggests cancer cells feed preferentially on glucose, at a rate greater than regular cells. The idea is that starving cancer cells of glucose with fasting and ketogenic eating patterns makes it possible to shrink tumors and heal. Cate tackles the big C question, our biggest fear: What would you do if you were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow? Cate says she would get to business with fasting and ketogenic eating, and head off to Turkey, yes Turkey!, to participate in cutting edge insulin therapy. While it might be unsettling to rethink the template strategy of cancer-fighting, Cate's commentary can help you reflect further about how your thoughts, beliefs, and food choices affect your overall health. Enjoy this discussion with one of the great leaders of the ancestral health movement, and be sure to read Deep Nutrition to learn the hows and whys about choosing the most nutritious foods that your genes expect for optimum health.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_CateCancerProof.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Jeffrey M. Smith - the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. For more than two decades, his research has exposed how biotech companies mislead policy makers and the public, and put the health of society and environment at risk. In 2018, he and Amy Hart released Secret Ingredients, a documentary that highlights numerous individuals and families that healed from serious conditions after switching to an organic diet. 

Mr. Smith’s books include: Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. They expertly demonstrate why the safety assessments by the FDA and regulators worldwide are based on outdated science and false assumptions, and why genetically engineered foods must urgently become our top food safety priority.

Jeffrey is the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a leading source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals. Mr. Smith resides in California, as well as Iowa, surrounded by genetically modified soybeans and corn.


Secret Ingredients - Movie



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JeffreySmith_AD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59am PST

Host Brad Kearns gives you a comprehensive education into the breakthrough technology of Heart Rate Variability, one of the most valuable biofeedback data available today. Measuring HRVgives you a direct window in the functional state of your autonomic nervous system, so you can accurately observe your stress levels, recovery rate and readiness to train, and make better decisions to balance stress and rest in daily life. 

HRV values are revealed by an EKG test in hospital or laboratory, but recent technology innovation enables you to track HRV in real time using the BradBeat HRV iPhone app, which has been custom designed to Brad’s specs to make it easy to use for athletes and anyone else interested in monitoring stress/rest balance. The BradBeat HRV, and other mobile HRV apps, pair with a wireless chest transmitter to reveal realtime data on your iPhone. HRV measures the beat to beat intervals in your heart rate. Greater variation indicates a harmonious balance between sympathetic (fight or flight) function and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system function, and delivers a higher HRV score on the 1-100 HRV scale. A metronomic beat with minimal variation in beat to beat intervals indicates you are stressed, overtrained, or have poor cardiovascular health, resulting in a low HRV score. 


This show gets a little technical as you learn about the nuances of the additional readings of low frequency and high frequency autonomic nervous system function, but you will come away with an excellent understanding of the benefits of HRV and how to use them to your maximum advantage to make better decisions and learn to gain more control over your stress response. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Endurance_HRV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm PST

Host Brad Kearns welcomes William Shewfelt back to the show to get into assorted healthy lifestyle and peak performance subjects. William is big into the carnivore diet and helping people get shredded by combining carnivore eating with a focused fitness program and a methodical goal setting process. At only 23 years old, William is making waves in the ancestral health scene with his website, his new Primal Body Podcast, and his no nonsense approach to making body composition dreams actually happen and stick. William promotes his peak performance "anchor point" of waking up at 4:30am and getting to work at the gym right away. Brad thinks that's a bit early, but could this mindset represent a self-limiting belief? Brad shares how his loosening of dietary guidelines became a slippery slope of indulgence and diminishing discipline, and the recalibration of focus he has achieved with his morning chest freezer cold plunge and his latest experiment of fasting until 12 noon; doing these mainly to ingrain pro-active patterns, guidelines, and self-discipline. This show will help you leverage your best intentions for diet, fitness, and lifestyle goals. William urges us to "take action, then ponder things later!" Good stuff, get to listening and get to work!

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_WilliamShewfelt202.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Ben Pakulski, founder of Ben Pakulski Fitness International, the Muscle Intelligence podcast and the Muscle Intelligence and MI40 brands. He is a former Mr. Canada, and IFBB Professional Bodybuilder. Ben is most well-known for his intelligent approach to building maximum muscle and has helped 100,000 men and women change their body and life with his methods. 
Ben began building his body at 15 years old and turned professional at his 6th show at 26 years of age. Ben’s first pro show was the 2009 Tampa Pro where he placed 3rd and qualified to compete in Mr. Olympia.  Highlights from Ben’s career include placing 2nd at the Arnold Classic, the second largest bodybuilding show in the world, twice competing in Mr. Olympia and placing 1st in the 2016 Vancouver Pro.

Since retiring from competitive bodybuilding, Ben focuses on spending time with his wife and three children while building the Muscle IntelligenceTM  brand. The mission is to empower men and women with the knowledge and skillset to build their greatest body and live their greatest life. 

Ben’s passion for helping others change their body, and live their greatest life led him to create the world’s foremost muscle building and body transformation educational brand, Muscle Intelligence™ which offers a simple framework around the 6 Pillars of a Lean and Muscular Body. 



Ben Pakulski's Website

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_BenPakulski.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am PST

Host Brad talks to all-time American distance running great Ryan HallRyan retired from elite international competition a few years ago, and has been up to some amazing stuff since literally removing his racing flats for the last time. Ryanhad a phenomenal career as the top American marathoner, best known for his breakthrough performances like the 2:04.58 Boston Marathon, and the sub-60 min half-marathon in TX that remains the American record to this day. This guy shot for the stars, pushed himself as hard as any runner has, and displayed a fearless competitive disposition at all times. 

Ryan is an easy going guy but he gets pretty deep in this show, when discussing the importance of following his dreams, honoring his basic nature with his training approach, and having a go for it attitude about everything instead of living in fear or insecurity. This is the kind of stuff that makes his new book, Run The Mile You’re In, more than the typical athlete memoir. After Ryan retired, he jumped right into strength training and became an absolute beast in a short time. He’s packed on 30 or 50 pounds of muscle onto his previous 127-pound waif marathoner frame, and has reached the esteemed 1,000-pound club that combines his dead lift (over 400lb), bench press (over 300lb) and squat (well over 300lb). Seriously, pairing the 2:04 with a 400-pound deadlift is certainly a world record combo that will be hard for anyone to break. Interesting for all endurance athletes, Ryan describes how his transition over to strength training has made him healthier and more energetic overall. 

As running fans know, Ryan is married to Sara Hall, who is still going strong with an extraordinary career that has spanned from middle distance track to marathon. She recently set a PR 2:26 and is trying for another Olympic team in 2020! Ryan shares the incredible story of how the couple decided to adopt a baby from Africa and ended up bringing home (today it’s Flagstaff, AZ, but you never know tomorrow with the Halls!) four daughters from Ethiopia. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalEndurance_RyanHall.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am PST

Host Brad Kearns starts from the beginning with a big picture presentation of the what, why, and how of the ketogenic diet. You’ll learn why its so important to health and longevity, including the benefits for disease protection, improved cognitive function, , reduced inflammation and oxidative stress (these represent the essence of disease and accelerated aging), and the rapid and efficient removal of excess body fat. Keto is the red-hot dietary trend of the day, but it’s important to understand how to do it correctly and avoid the very common backsliding and burnout that occurs from a rushed approach or ill-advised approach. Brad talks you through the multi-step process detailed in the Mark Sisson with Brad Kearns New York Times bestseller, The Keto Reset Diet. This show is deeply informative and illuminating, but always in plain talk so you can grasp the concepts with needing heavy prior knowledge. If you are thinking about keto, this show will give you the essential tools to succeed without the nonsense of the keto flu that some people describe as inevitable.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_IntroToKeto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Arielle Ford about the law of attraction mindset for love and life. Arielle’s The Love Codes Program looks into the way women’s thinking squishes their dreams and how to overcome obstacles in finding love.  She is offering a FREE 75-minute webinar on this topic at

Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of 11 books including the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. She created the world’s first transformational coloring book based upon The Soulmate Secret, entitled, Inkspirations Love by Design: Coloring the Divine Path to Manifest Your Soulmate. This book blends Arielle’s step-by-step method for manifesting love with the romantic, original artwork of artist Manja Burton – a fun, creative and powerful process!

She is also the author Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate devoted to exploring a simple, fun and effective way to attain groundbreaking shifts in perception so that you can embrace and find the beauty and perfection in yourself and your mate. 

Arielle lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband/soulmate, Brian Hilliard and their feline friends. 


FREE 75-minute webinar - The Love Codes

Arielle's Website 


Youtube Podcast:

Direct download: PB_Episode_ArielleFord.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about introducing brief, explosive, high intensity workouts into your training schedule to prompt quick and dramatic improvements in your performance at all levels of intensity, even ultra endurance. When you become competent at sprinting, you reduce perceived exertion and improve metabolic function at all lower levels of intensity. However, you gotta do this stuff right or you will fry your brain and body with ammonia toxicity and cellular destruction. The end of the show gets really sciency so you can learn why the ideal duration for sprinting is just 10-20 seconds--breakthrough concepts from Dr. Craig Marker and his landmark article titled "HIIT versus HIRT." You'll learn why prolonged interval sessions with performance attrition and cumulative fatigue are more destructive and less effective than HIRT--High Intensity Repeat Training. Brief, explosive efforts coupled with "luxurious rest intervals' (Pavel Tsatsouline of Strong Endurance). If you want to get faster very quickly, you best listen to this show and make some important revisions changes to your current training patterns. 
Direct download: Ep_PrimalEndurance_ReduceStressImprovePerformance_pt2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16am PST

Brad and Brian are back! Primal video and audio master Brian McAndrew comes to the other side of the mic and gets deep into it with Brad Kearns on all matters of keto, carnivore, and the optimal balance between discipline and enjoying life. The pair discuss the surging popularity of carnivore, wondering about the carni argument that plants might be difficult to digest. They discuss the incidental benefits of keto and carnivore, providing structure, focus, and minimizing decision fatigue and the tendency to get an inch and take a mile. On that note, Brad cops to some recent popcorn binge behavior, and reflects on whether we might gain deeper enjoying from our eating when putting in some restrictions. Brian says keto is “easier” because you can skip meals comfortably—possibly the opposite logic of the SAD eater. As we get more and more sophisticated with dietary strategies, Brian wonders if we might be motivated by FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) instead of a true opportunity to enhance health and well being. This show flows into stuff that’s not usually covered in the informational-heavy programs and will really get you thinking. For example, if you were told that eating only salmon eggs for the rest of your life would deliver a 20% boost in peak performance and longevity, would you make that devils bargain?

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_BrianMcAndrew.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Integrative Physician Gary E. Foresman MD about coronary artery disease (CAD) screening, statin drugs, cholesterol, and when and how you should get tested.

In 1994 when Dr. Foresman opened a private practice, he quickly became dissatisfied with the inability of established Western medical treatments to effectively treat many of his patients. Dr. Foresman began investigating alternative therapies and has since expanded his training in many systems of healing—not just through meditation and stress management, but also using botanical, orthomolecular and functional medicine systems. His scientific mind combined with a holistic integrative perspective, makes him a skilled practitioner who therapeutically synthesizes optimal healing modalities for each individual.

Dr. Foresman ranked among the top in the nation on his Internal Medicine Board Exams and has some of the most comprehensive Internal Medicine training to be found - including serving as a Clinical Professor who trained other physicians at a University Medical Center. 

In-depth commentary on thyroid dysfunction by Dr. Gary Foresman can be found in The Paleo Thyroid Solution written by Elle Russ.


Selected Links: Dr. Gary Foresman - Website

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_GaryForesman_CAD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am PST

Keto Passport is a fabulous new international cookbook written by Lindsay with Layla McGowan. This dynamic duo also co-authored the Keto Reset Instapot CookbookKeto Passport offers an opportunity to bust loose from the confines and staleness of ketogenic eating, where you feel like all you can eat is meat and vegetables. 

Keto Passport takes you across the entire globe with fabulous cultural recipes, including traditional favorites that were carefully modified to remain keto friendly. Lindsay, a social psychologist, says people get bored, stifled, or frustrated with the keto guidelines, and that keeping things from getting stale and less enjoyable is essential for continued adherence to admittedly tight dietary parameters. Layla brings in her Korean and German heritage to the project, sharing familial meals passed down verbally for generations right into this cookbook. The pair also curated many familiar cultural favorites that happen to be keto.

Lindsay also weaves in some excellent health insights for how to do keto the right way, and to understand how to navigate the various recommendations and approaches to keto. One item of interest is how insulin ain’t all bad. In fact, Lindsay explains that pulsatile insulin spikes are desirable. Insulin allows you to replenish cellular energy but not suffer from the inflammatory effects and compromised fat burning of chronically excessive insulin production. Consequently, Lindsay and Brad echo the advice from the all-knowing Dr. Cate Shanahan, who strongly recommends against snacking between meals. When you eat any sort of food (yes, even a fat bomb!), you shut off ketone production and fat metabolism and trigger insulin release. It’s also good to give your digestive system a break, both from a maximum daily eating window (12 hours, per the work of Dr. Satchin Panda), and from the snacking habit. However, Lindsay cautions against restrictive dietary patterns if you have adrenal, thyroid, or eating disorder history. 

Keto Passport features recipes under 15g of carbs, usually under 10g. While dairy has become a centerpiece of keto to add to fat percentages, many object to heavy dairy intake, so Keto Passport offers plenty of variety to give you a dairy-free experience. There are a great assortment of recipes, from elaborate gourmet preparations to quick primers on how to make your own kimchi or sauerkraut or srihacha sauce. Get your copy of Keto Passport on amazon or wherever great books are sold. It’s a really fun read with a beautiful layout that will inspire you to try some exciting new dishes!!

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_LindsayTaylor_KetoPassport.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Loren Cordain - the world’s foremost authority on the evolutionary basis of diet and disease. Featured on Dateline NBC, the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, Dr. Loren Cordain is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading experts on the natural human diet of our Stone Age ancestors. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and abstracts, and his research into the health benefits of Stone Age Diets for contemporary people has appeared in the world’s top scientific journals including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the British Journal of Nutrition, and the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, among others. He is also on the Advisory Board of Paleo Magazine the first, and only, print magazine dedicated to the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and ancestral health.


Dr. Loren Cordain’s popular book, The Paleo Diet, has been widely acclaimed in both the scientific and lay communities. His next book, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, published in October 2005, discusses how the Paleo Diet can be modified for the high-performance endurance athlete and lead to improved health and performance. His next book, The Dietary Cure for Acne, is available in paperback and as an instant download ebook. The Paleo Diet Cookbook was published in 2010 and became an instant bestseller. His most recent book, The Paleo Answer,represents a sequel to The Revised Paleo Diet

Dr. Loren Cordain received his Ph.D. in Health from the University of Utah, his master’s in physical education from the University of Nevada-Reno, and his bachelor’s in health sciences from Pacific University. He was a professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University from 1982 – 2013. 



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_LorenCordain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about transforming once and for all away from the high-stress, mileage obsessed approach to an evolved approach that makes recovery the central focus of your training instead of suffering and enduring. And by the way endurance athletes, its time to turn off the endurance gene off the race course and quit enduring crappy jobs and toxic relationship dynamics. Be good to yourself and honor the importance of balancing stress and rest. If you experience a slight disturbance in immune function, don't train at all! Avoid black hole workouts and be okay with lowering your heart rate way below MAF, you still get an awesome training effect. Brad talks about his recent experiences with overdoing his beloved Speedgolf and experiencing burnout and getting less consistent with cardio workouts to allow for more energy allocation to explosive workouts, which is the topic of part 2 of this important show
Direct download: Ep_PrimalEndurance_ReduceStressImprovePerformance_pt1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm PST

Host Brad Kearns and Dr. Lindsay finally capture some of the magic that happens during their random off-mic conversations. Yep, Brad pushed the record button and Lindsay immediately throws out some profound philosophical and psychological questions to ponder. Is body composition a worthwhile goal, or are we placing too much importance on how we look instead of how we feel? The intuitive eating/body positivity movement has tremendous merit, but do we engage in too many rationalizations and self-defeating behaviors as life gets easier and easier? 

Striving for balance is important, but what if you really want the six-pack? Is it you that wants it, or is it society telling you to want it? It’s undisputable that it’s better to be in control of your destiny than to succumb to manipulative social media programming, and excess body fat is often a symptom of lifestyle flaws that are compromising your happiness, health, fitness, and longevity. Its important to reach some basic fitness and health standards to avoid the pain and suffering of aging. These are other topics will hit you hard and really get you thinking about your goals and priorities. Lindsay says, “Maybe the best goal is to care about how you feel, instead of how you look.”

Elle Russ chats with Gary John Bishop - author of The New York Times Bestseller Unfu*k Yourself and his latest book, Stop Doing That Sh*t.  Gary is a leading Personal Development expert with a global reputation that has impacted thousands of people worldwide. His “urban philosophy” approach represents a new wave of personal empowerment and life mastery that has caused miraculous results for people.

Gary John Bishop began his life journey in Glasgow, Scotland. The grit and wit of his early life contributed to his tough-love, in-your-face approach to people and what it takes to change their lives. Coupled with world-class training and development, Gary has created a potent brew of effectiveness and the ability to reach through the crust of people’s circumstances and root out the deeper issues that consume them and tie them down. 

Gary doesn’t claim perfection. Like you, he has been through life too and embraces an authentic, in-the-world approach to everything he does. He uses that unmatched experience as both a human being and a world class coach to mentor and guide people to fulfill on what they themselves never thought possible.



1. Website:

2. Facebook:

3. Instagram:

4 Twitter:

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_GaryJohnBishop.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am PST

Host Brad Kearns gets personal discussing his varying commitment to keto and how loosening the purse strings here and there can become a slippery slope. When you relax standards like limiting food intake to a compressed eating window or allowing occasional indulgences for non-keto foods like popcorn, will power and decision fatigue enter back into the mix. Framingham Study data indicate that the lifestyle behaviors of your "clusters," the people who spend the most time with, is contagious up to three degrees. Obesity is contagious, as is maintaining a healthy body composition. Keto is contagious to your friend, as well as your friend's friend! This impresses the importance of accountability and group support to pursue goals together. 
Finally, Brad describes the dangers of a rushed approach to keto, where jumping into a dietary transformation before you are metabolically healthy and fat-adapted can cause big trouble; namely, an overstimulation of the fight or flight response leading to burnout and regression. If you want to drop excess body fat, first you must become metabolically healthy (heal leaky gut), then become fat-adapted. If you have to eat a lot of fat out of the gate, that's fine. Then you can transition to skipping meals and burning off excess body fat. This is a great show to get you motivated on some of the social and motivational factors behind succeeding with keto. Even Brad's morning cold plunging gets a cameo!
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_BradAccountability.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Ste Lane - a fellow Primal Health Coach and owner of Peak Primal Health.  He has been an advocate for Primal living for roughly a decade.
A life long martial artist, back-packer, coach and lover of all things health and wellness, Ste spends his time coaching others on the keys to unlocking their true human potential. Chronic disease riddled his younger years and it became his mission to help others reclaim their health so that they could lead a happy, disease-free, awesome life! 
Ste's mission is simple. Help people develop an effortless relationship with food, a desire to play and move our bodies because we want to, and to foster a more positive mindset, in regards to how we treat ourselves, what we think and how we see the world.
Click HERE to become a Primal Health Coach!
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_SteLane.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am PST

Elle Russ chats with author Robert A. Glover Ph.D. about the "Nice Guy Syndrome" and his related book No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life.  He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications.

As a result of his work, Dr. Glover has helped thousands of Nice Guys transform from being passive, resentful victims to empowered, integrated males. Along with these personal changes have come similar transformations in these men's professional careers and intimate relationships. Through his book, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.


Dr. Glover lives in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and you can learn more about him and his work at

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_RobertGlover.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:48am PST

Elle Russ chats with Maria Emmerich - a nutritionist who specializes in the ketogenic diet and exercise physiology. She struggled with her health and weight throughout childhood which lead her to become such a passionate nutrition expert. "My goal is to help transform people's lives and start living again!" Maria specializes in brain neurotransmitters and how food can increase mental wellness. Her expertise has sent her around the World speaking about ketogenic diets.

She spends the majority of her time with clients around the World via Skype with amazing results. She specializes in helping autoimmune disorders, diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), heart disease, cholesterol issues, alopecia, hashimoto's, cancer, epilepsy, seizures, depression and anxiety. You would be amazed at the amount of people get off medication with her guidance.

She is also an International Best Selling author of several books including "Quick and Easy Ketogenic Cooking" and "The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse". She also authored 8 other books including several cookbooks and 3 nutritional guide books including the best-selling book "Keto.".

Maria's Website
Maria also runs a support site for getting all your questions answered here: 
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Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks with the interesting and inspiring Tippy Wyatt, hostess of the popular Tippy Tales YouTube channel and co-author (with her sister Som Allison) of a new keto cookbook. This is a wide-ranging conversation on the topic of lifestyle transformation success and failure, the importance of having a support system to pursue your healthy lifestyle goals, how friends and family can unwittingly sabotage your progress by offering up effusive compliments, and how to balance an intense immigrant work ethic with an appreciation of the process and gratitude for what you have, whether you have a lot or a little. Tippy has lived a truly incredible life, from a penniless immigrant to a first generation college graduate, successful entrepreneur, and virtually overnight viral keto personality. This show will prompt some profound reflections about life, love, family and motivation, and could be the catalyst you need to take your keto passions to the next level! Follow Tippy Tales on YouTube and grab the fun new keto cookbook on
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_TippyWyatt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Gretchen Rubin - the author of several books, including the block-buster New York Times bestsellers, Better Than BeforeThe Happiness Project, Happier at Home, The Four Tendencies, and her new book Outer Order Inner Calm.  She has an enormous readership, both in print and online, and her books have sold more than 3.5 million copies worldwide, in more than thirty languages. She makes frequent TV appearances and is in much demand as a speaker. On her weekly podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin, she discusses good habits and happiness with her sister Elizabeth Craft. Rubin started her career in law and was clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor when she realized she wanted to be a writer. She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.
Selected Links
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Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns tackles some interesting and in-depth questions from listeners. Topics covered include: Frustration with not being able to drop fat despite the devoted effort, visceral fat versus subcutaneous fat, controversy about the health dangers of red meat, strategizing keto for family and for premenopausal conditions, breath or blood meter, timing workouts with timing fasting, and fasting and medication concerns. Enjoy. Learn more about doing keto the right way at
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_QA31619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Jimmy and Christine Moore about their new book Real Food Keto. Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Christine Moore has teamed up with her husband, health podcaster and international bestselling ketogenic book author Jimmy Moore (Keto Clarity, The Ketogenic Cookbook, and The Keto Cure), to help you apply the principles of nutritional therapy to a healthy low-carb lifestyle. 

Most people think that going on a ketogenic diet will fix all their health and weight woes, but this book explains that sometimes it takes a little fine-tuning in your diet and supplementation to get the desired results. Jimmy and Christine educate readers on the reasons why whole foods are a critical element in optimizing your pursuit of nutritional ketosis. Real Food Keto addresses a variety of topics rarely discussed in ketogenic circles such as: Digestion, detoxification, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hydration, and more! Real Food Keto also provides an incredible collection of amazing keto recipes from international bestselling cookbook author Maria Emmerich.



Real Food Keto


Jimmy's Website

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Host Brad Kearns give a sneak preview of the new book Mark Sisson and he is working on called Keto Longevity. It's critical to implement the correct approach to keto because an ill-prepared approach will simply activate the fight or flight response and eventually lead to big-time burnout. Some common mistakes people make are rushing into keto without sufficient fat burning ability, insufficient intake of sodium and other minerals and electrolytes, doing excess exercise while undergoing a major dietary transformation, or coming to the game with pre-existing health issues such as leaky gut, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, or metabolic damage from yo-yo dieting. This show will really set you up well for a sensible approach and a healthy philosophy toward keto. A few Q&A questions cap off the show, like is keto good for kids, and how to break through weight loss plateaus.
Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_AvoidingTheFightOrFlightResponse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Anna Cabeca (DO, OBGYN, FACOG) about her new book The Hormone Fix: Burn Fat Naturally, Boost Energy, Sleep Better, and Stop Hot Flashes, the Keto-Green Way. Dr. Cabeca is an Emory University trained gynecologist and woman's health expert was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38 years old. Devastated, she went around the world looking for answers and and found them.  A menopause and hormone expert. Dr. Cabeca has changed the lives of women across the globe, connecting to others through humor, honesty and passion. 



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DrAnnaCabeca.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks about carbs and keto, clearing up some misconceptions and focusing in on an assortment of food categories to help you strategize and stay aligned with ketogenic eating guidelines. First, we must recognize that keto is best promoted by fasting/starvation—this is our genetically programmed response. Keto is not about stuffing your face with fat throughout the day. When it comes to carbs, we can enjoy abundant vegetable intake, emphasizing above-ground, leafy green veggies and cruciferous vegetables. And while colorful fruits and starchy tuber vegetables have many nutritional benefits, we want to sideline these when doing strict keto stints. 

We also cover how to choose the highest quality dark chocolate, habituating to the highest possible cacao percentage. You’ll get inspired to make your own kombucha (all you need is a friend with a SCOBY, and some sweet black tea), and watch out for the overly-sugared store-bought kombucha. Other categories include non-dairy milks, nuts, seeds, and their derivative butters, and packaged snacks that have ‘paleo/keto’ designation on them

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_CarbCountEducation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Carrie Forrest - a thyroid cancer survivor and the creator of the blog, Clean Eating Kitchen, where she shares easy and nourishing recipes and resources. Carrie is also the host of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, featuring interviews with health experts and influencers, along with stories from her own health journey.

Carrie has an MBA in marketing and entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. After a short stint in retail corporate marketing and merchandising, she became interested in nutrition to try and heal from a variety of health issues, including chronic migraines, hormone imbalance, anxiety, and thyroid cancer. She later earned a masters degree in public health nutrition from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 

Carrie’s work inspires women to take control over their health, with a focus on holistic and natural healing. Find Carrie online at her website,, or on Instagram and Facebook @cleaneatingcarrie.


Selected Links:

Clean Eating Kitchen:

Instagram link:

Facebook page link:

Clean Eating Every Daye-cookbook sales page (use code CLEANEATING for a discount):


Podcast episode index:

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Brad Kearns talks with an amazingly enthusiastic and focused young man named William Shewfelt. Famed for his role as the red-suited Power Ranger on the legendary television franchise, he has garnered tons of attention online for his carnivore diet approach to cutting down to 3.8% body fat. William provides details on the proper mindset, exercise program, and dietary strategy to take your body composition goals to the next level, to get ripped, or to go from ripped to super ripped. Beyond his killer 6-pack, this 23-year-old has some extremely impressive insights and strategies to dream about big goals and then actually go out there and execute them. William favors an intuitive approach both workouts and eating strategy, warning against the obsessive self-quantification and tracking that can drive you nuts and burn you out. “Tracking is like riding a tricycle,” he says. In this show, you will get past the potshots about carnivore and learn from someone who’s made it for 1.5 years and running. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_WilliamShewfelt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Drew Manning - the New York Times Best Selling Author of the book, Fit2Fat2Fit and is best known for his experiment that went viral online. He's been featured on shows like Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, The View and many more. His experiment has since become a hit TV show, called Fit to Fat to Fit, airing on A&E and Lifetime. Drew also has a very successful podcast called The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience. Since his self-experiment went viral, Drew has helped thousands of people learn to live a healthy lifestyle and completely transform their lives.

In his new book Complete Keto, Drew offers a total ketogenic lifestyle reset that's based on a deep understanding of the challenges to living keto, as well as the benefits it brings and the science that makes it work - including a dive into the emotional and psychological aspects that can coincide with any health journey.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DrewManning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am PST

Host Brad Kearns talks to Sharon Brown, Founder and CEO of Bonafide Provisions, makers of the number one selling frozen bone broth in America. We will learn all about the amazing amino acids present in bone broth that support gut health, deliver a collagen boost for healthy skin and nails, and help rebuild broken down connective tissue. Sharon will detail how to make bone broth at home in the correct manner, how to discern what is quality and what is crap at the story, and how bone broth helped her child go from sickly and ADHD diagnosed to a live of robust health.

If you are eating a keto-aligned diet, you have narrowed your food options and consequently must be more vigilant to include the most nutrient dense food possible within keto guidelines. This will address the knee-jerk criticism against keto as the "bacon and butter diet" that raises health objections. As Dr. Cate Shanahan details in her bestselling book, Deep Nutrition, bone broth is one of the centerpieces of the ancestral diet that has been largely ignored and neglected in our modern diet.  This show will cover how to shop for quality products and how to make your own at home. Enjoy the show and learn more about Sharon at


Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_SharonBrown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Jennilyn Griffiths about the upcoming 2019 FitCon Summit in Salt Lake City where Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Luis Villasenor, Elle Russ, and Ben Greenfield are guest speakers (and many more!).

Jennilyn has been a certified personal trainer for 8 years and competed in NPC bodybuilding competition in 2014. She joined a passionate group of people in 2015 and helped put together Fitcon, one of the largest fitness events in the country. She has been deeply involved in the Keto and low carb community since 2014 and has brought Keto speakers each year to Fitcon. She lives a paleo lifestyle and has a goal to build the Keto and paleo communities. 



***GET $50 OFF FitCon tickets using Code “primal50” 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_JennilynGriffiths.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am PST

Brad tackles some interesting and varied Q&A, including concerns about fueling with carbs during long workouts, how family high cholesterol concerns jibe with feeling great while eating paleo/keto, and much more fun stuff. Email to ask questions or give feedback on the show.

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_BradQA12319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19pm PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Alexander Haskell about prescription drug addiction and his approach to helping patients detox at the cellular level.  Dr. Haskell is a Naturopathic Physician in Utah with over 30 years of experience focusing on the investigation and treatment of underlying causes of chronic conditions rather than simply addressing symptoms. Dr. Haskell believes in the innate, miraculous healing capacity within every person and believes that educating the client is foremost.

Addictive prescription drugs, most being fat soluble - enter inside our cells leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. The only way to help a person to recover their physical and mental health is to get these residues out of their cells primarily by increasing the energy production of their mitochondria - and the quickest and most effective means to accomplish this is the intravenous use of NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DrAlexanderHaskell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am PST

Elle Russ chats with Logan Schwartz all about movement, strength, and performance.  Logan has dedicated his life to helping individuals achieve a state of optimal health and vitality through a principle-based approach.  He has positioned himself to learn from and work alongside the best coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists, and athletic trainers in the field of prevention, performance, and health.  


Recently, Logan was the Assistant Basketball Strength Coach for The University of Texas at Austin and is a consultant for Train 4 The Game, Inc., which is one of the elite performance facilities in the nation.  Currently Logan owns Austin Vitality Coach and is the Director of Programming for Your Trainer, Inc. in Austin, Texas.  He also presents Internationally for the Gray Institute and Power Plate.    



Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_LoganSchwartz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm PST

Host Brad Kearns talks to a man on a mission - Dr. Anthony Gustin, co-founder of Perfect Keto and all-around health, nutrition, and peak performance expert. Dr. Gustin has been obsessed with healing people and promoting elite peak performance since a young age when he overcame illness and dysfunction as a teenager to become a doctor of chiropractic at the age of 24. After success with chiropractic and functional medicine clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area, Anthony started Perfect Keto to help give people tools to fight disease, achieve peak performance, and stay aligned with a ketogenic diet. 

We learn about Anthony’s fascinating fast-track background, his devotion to daily meditation, to self-experimentation, and to pure hard work and grand ambition. Anthony indicates there is a wide variation in individual responses to keto and other dietary strategies. In particular, Dr. Gustin mentions that fasting is actually stress to the body, and might be inappropriate for certain folks who are already piling on other stresses, such as extreme dietary modification or extreme workouts. It’s essential to test and refine constantly to discover your best approach for right now. That said, Dr. Gustin reminds us that there are certain fundamentals of healthy eating and living that are undisputed. For example, “eat real food,” and “move more!”. 

When it comes to ketone supplements, Dr. Gustin suggests there are a handful of higher uses: as a cognitive performance aid, as an adherence tool to prevent backslides and binges and suppress appetite, for athletes to get clean-burning energy, and for targeted disease prevention or care. One great insight from the show: Dr. Gustin believes that certain forms of suffering make us stronger. For example, his “zombie-like” ordeal of accelerated schooling helps him tackle any challenge he faces today with great resilience. This was an interesting insight coming from a millennial because we commonly typecast millennials as entitled. You’ll learn about keto best practices and much much more in this interesting show with Perfect Keto’s Dr. Anthony Gustin. 

Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_Keto_AnthonyGustin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41am PST

Elle Russ chats with Dr. Dominic D'Agostino about the research and benefits surrounding ketogenic diets. Dr. D'Agostino is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). His laboratory develops and tests nutritional strategies and metabolic-based supplements for neurological disorders, seizures, cancer and metabolic wellness. He was a research investigator and crew member on NASA's Extreme Environment Mission Operation (NEEMO 22) and has a personal interest in environmental medicine and methods to enhance safety and physiological resilience in extreme environments. His research is supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Department of Defense (DoD), private organizations and foundations. 



Metabolic Health Summit FEB 2019 CODE for 15% off tickets: PrimalBluePrintMHS








Direct download: Ep_PrimalBlueprint_DominicDAgostino.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am PST

Elle Russ chats with Tanya Stewart, Esq. - "The Alpha Life Coach" about how living a paleo/primal lifestyle can actually get you closer to attaining love and financial success!  Tanya shows High-Achievers how to Separate Struggle from Success. She founded The Stewart Law Firm in 2001 specializing exclusively in high-conflict litigation. During 15 years of private practice, she grew skilled in taking lives and businesses apart and now puts them back together. She understands how Alpha Women & High-Achievers are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change from within, breaking you free of your blocks.

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. 



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Twitter: #AlphaWomenCoach

Instagram: @AlphaWomenCoach 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:25pm PST