The Primal Kitchen Podcast

Adversity varies and challenges us in different ways. But our ability to endure and bounce back from stress, struggle, and loss is what emotional resilience is all about. What can our ancestors’ examples teach us about psychological hardiness and mental fortitude?

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar312016-HowToDevelopEmotionalResilienceInTheModernWorld.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Let’s take a look at five genetic mutations and how the Primal way of eating, living, and moving can help mitigate their downsides.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)
Direct download: MDA-Mar302016-HowGoingPrimalCanHelpWith5CommonGeneticMutations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Elle Russ is in the studio today with fitness and personal development guru, Craig Ballantyne. Craig is the author of The Perfect Day Formula and has a set a goal to help 10 million people transform their lives, physically mentally, emotionally and financially by the year 2020.

Learn all about the “Five Pillars of Success” and how to become your best, and stay your best, in this eye opening episode.

Direct download: Ep_113_PrimalBlueprint-CraigBallantyne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST

Many people today lead lives of flatness or even despair in which they take paths dictated by cultural or familial expectation—or by the pursuit of money over passion. They go whole decades of life never asking what they’d rather be doing, and those frustrated inclinations end up coming out sideways in a midlife crisis or just a subtle resentment that smolders each day.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)
Direct download: MDA-Mar242016-HowaPrimalLifestyleCanHelpYouFindYourPassion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

What if you didn’t eat the potatoes after a hard workout? What if you abstained from carbs entirely after a glycogen-depleting workout? What if you just went to bed without any (carbs in your) supper? What if you were an elite athlete and skipped the carbs?

That’s exactly what a team of French researchers had a group of highly trained male triathletes do, according to a study released a couple months back.

They were exploring the effects of a “sleep-low” eating regimen on the type of performance indices relevant to endurance athletes.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar232016-ShouldYouSleepLowToBoostPerformance.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Mark is in the studio this week with Todd White, founder of revolutionary wine production company, Dry Farm Wines. Todd is a writer, speaker and leading authority on healthy, organic natural wines and supporter of micro-dosing alcohol for health, longevity and vitality. As an avid biohacker and health experimenter, Todd is also releasing a ketogenic cookbook called Keto Well that discusses his success in low-carb eating.

Todd is a bit of a Renaissance man, but for the last 15 years he has specialized in the natural health and wine business. He has dedicated his life to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol.

Today we’re getting a complete education on wine, including an in-depth look at common modern additives and the resulting issues they pose. If you're wondering where alcohol lands in your overall health goals, then this is the episode for you!

Direct download: Ep_112_PrimalBlueprint-ToddWhite.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST

Sometimes it’s the people in our inner circle who are the inquiring minds. Other times it’s co-workers or even strangers. It might even be our doctors. Whatever the case, what might begin as a simple question can often devolve into a full-blown harangue about how we’re putting our health in grave peril. On the flip side, it may be we who descend into an extended diatribe on all things Primal as the other person tries to slink away, having just been intrigued by our lettuce wrapped “un-wich.” How do we respond in these conversations without losing all patience or perspective?

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar172016-HowToHandleConstructiveCriticismAsaPrimalAdvocate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Are we shortchanging ourselves by complete elimination of potentially allergenic or sensitizing foods like wheat, peanuts, or dairy? Do we become even more sensitive to “bad” foods by avoiding them entirely? This question stems from two things I recently encountered. The first was a recent rewatcing of The Princess Bride. The second was the recent peanut allergy study.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar152016-CanExposureToNonPrimalFoodsActuallyHelp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Mark sits down for a lively chat with Melissa Hartwig, Certified Sports Nutritionist, New York Times Best Selling author of It Starts With Food and The Whole30, and co-creator of the wildly popular Whole30 movement. Melissa is no stranger to major media as she's been featured by The Today Show, Dr. Oz, The View, Outside, Shape and Self Magazines, and The Wall Street Journal. Melissa has presented over 150 health and nutrition seminars worldwide, and connects with over 1.5 million people each month through the Whole30 website.

Mark and Melissa run through a number of fascinating topics, including how Melissa developed the Whole30 program, nutrition's role in addiction recovery, whether or not alcohol can have a place in a healthy diet, and why the Whole30 program is meant to be learning tool to get you on the path of having a healthy relationship with food. This is truly an episode you don't want to miss!

Direct download: Ep_111_PrimalBlueprint-MelissaHartwig.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Primal people tend to assume they have the B vitamins covered. It’s no wonder: punch a slab of beef chuck steak or a few ounces of liver into the USDA nutrient database and that whole B vitamin section seems to fill up.

Let’s take a look. You may be right. You may be totally fine. But it’s always nice to refresh your focus.

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar92016-ShouldYouBeGettingMoreBVitamins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Readers of my blog are already familiar with my take on the minimalist, or “barefoot” shoe. Unencumbered by supportive arch inserts, stiff soles, and cramped dimensions, the healthy human foot performs, feels, and functions best in a minimalist shoe. It cuts out the fluff and the artifice, the rent-seeking yet unnecessary modifications and upgrades that characterize the modern shoe industry and distills the essentials of what shoe should do—protect the bottom of the foot without changing the heel height or cutting off incoming sensory data. Even if you don’t currently wear minimalist footwear, you grasp the argument, understand the appeal, and agree that minimalist shoes hew more closely to the ancestral environment in which our feet evolved. They are Primal through and through.

Does the same hold true for the growing minimalist movement? Was Grok a minimalist? Sorta…

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)

Direct download: MDA-Mar82016-MinimalistLiving.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:46pm PST

Can we take what research tells us about the roughly prevalent hunter-gatherer model of leadership and decipher lessons for modern management? I tend to think so.

Here are what I’d consider 7 Primal ways to be a better leader….

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)
Direct download: MDA-Mar32016-7PrimalWaysToBeABetterLeader.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Host Elle Russ sits down with Dr. Peter Osborne, the clinical director of Origins Healthcare Center in Sugar Land, TX, and author of No Grain, No Pain. Dr. Osborne is a doctor of chiropractic medicine, a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist and an expert in orthomolecular and functional medicine. His clinical focus is the holistic natural treatment of chronic degenerative diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies. He has helped thousands of patients recover from mysterious medical illnesses.

Get ready folks, because this episode is chock full of fascinating (and digestible) facts on the issues grains cause within the body.

Direct download: Ep109_PrimalBlueprint-PeterOsborne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am PST